사백산(瀉白散)과 사백산가사려륵(瀉白散加訶藜勒)이 호흡기계(呼吸器系)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effect of Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangakaryereuk on the Respiratory System in Experimental Animals

  • 이순호 (원광대학교 대학원 한의학과) ;
  • 한상환 (원광대학교 대학원 한의학과)
  • Lee, Soon-Hoo (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Wonkwang University) ;
  • Han, Sang-Whan (Department of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.30


Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk, a traditional prescription, has been used in Korea for many centuries as a treatment for chronic respiratory disease. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk on acetylcholine-induced tracheal smooth muscle contraction in guinea pigs and norepinephrine-induced vascular smooth muscle contraction in pigs. Guinea pig (500g, female) were killed by CO2 exposure and a segment (8-10mm) of the thoracic trachea from each guinea pig and renal artery from each pig were cut into equal segments and mounted 'in pairs' in a tissue bath. Contractile force was measured with force displacement transducers under 0.5g loading tension. The dose of acetylcholine (Ach) and norepinephrine (NE) which evoked 50% of maximal response ($ED_{50}$) was obtained from cumulative dose response curves for acetylcholine (10-7-10-4M) and norepinephrine (10-7-10-4M). Contractions of tracheal smooth muscle evoked by Ach ($ED_{50}$) were inhibited significantly by Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk. Propranolol (10-7M) slightly but significantly attenuated the inhibitory effects of Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk. Indomethacin and methylene blue (10-7M) did not significantly alter the inhibitory effect of Sabaeksan and Sabaeksanga-garyureuk. Contractions of vascular smooth muscle evoked by NE (NE50) were inhibited significantly by Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk. Propranolol (10-7M) slightly but significantly attenuated the inhibitory effects of Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk. Indomethacin and methylene blue (10-7M) did not significantly alter the inhibitory effect of Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk. These results indicate that Sabaeksan and Sabaeksangagaryureuk can relax acetylcholine-induced contraction of guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle, and norepinephrine-induced contraction of pig vascular smooth muscle that this inhibition involves, in part, the relation of adrenergic receptor.



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