컴퓨터 적외선(赤外線) 전신체열촬영(全身體熱撮影)으로 본 Bell's palsy의 침치료효과(鍼治療效果)

  • 김상희 (원광대 한의과대학 침구학교실) ;
  • 이건목 (원광대 한의과대학 침구학교실)
  • 발행 : 1995.10.30




  1. Nervous system v.1 The CIBA collection of medical illustrations Frank, H.;Netter, M.D.
  2. 가정의학
  3. Conn's Current Therapy Robert, E.;Rakel, M.D.
  4. Spine v.11 no.5 Conway The evaluation of liqeuid crystal thermography in the investigation of nerve root compression due to lumbosacral lateral spinal stenosis. Mills, G.H.;Davies, G.K.;Getty CJM
  5. J Neurosurge v.69 Quantification of thermal asymmetry Part 1 :Normal values and reproducibility Uemarsu, S.;Edwin, D.H.;Jankel, W.R.(et al.)
  6. J Neurosurge v.69 Quantifkcation of thermal asymmetry. Part 2 Application in low-back pain and sciatica. Uemarsu, S.;Edwin, D.H.;Jankel, W.R.(et al.)
  7. Thermology v.2 no.1 Thermography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease Wood, E.H.
  8. myelogram and CT scan Pain evaluation by electronic infrared thermography Correlations with symtoms, EMG Hubbard, J.E.
  9. The American Chiropractor The validation of thermography Lowson, C.
  10. Canad MAJ v.75 Implication of surface temperatures in the diagnosis of breast cancer Lawson, R.
  11. J. Neurosurgy v.56 Liquid crystal thermography of the spine and extre, ities. Its value in the diagnosis of spinal root syndromes Pochaczevsky, R.;Wexler, C.E.;Meyers, P.H.(et al.)
  12. A reevaluation Skeletal Radiol v.15 Thermography Edeiken, J.;Shaber, G.
  13. Thermology v.1 no.4 Temperature and pressure threshold measurements in trigger point Fischer. A.N.;Chang, C.H.
  14. Thermography and pain update Hobbins, W.B.
  15. presented Second Memorial Symposium Basic concept of thermology and its application in the study of the sympathetic nervous system Hobbins, W.B.
  16. 內科學(上) 李文鎬(外)
  17. 實用中西醫結合診斷治療學 陳貴延(外)
  18. 韓方診斷學 (1) 李鳳敎
  19. 中醫學基礎 上海中醫學院(編)
  20. 黃帝內經靈樞 張隱庵;馬元臺(合註)
  21. 東醫寶鑑 許俊
  22. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine v.11 no.2 Clinical observation on acupuncture treatment of peripheral facial paralysis aided by infra-red thermography Zhang, O.;Wei, Z.
  23. Chen Tzu Yen Chiu Acupuncture Research v.17 no.1 Preliminary observation of facial temperature along meridians Zhang, D.;Gao, H.