Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 38 Issue 6
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- Pages.502-506
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- 1995
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Isolation of Bacillus sp. Producing ${\beta}-Galactosidase$ with High Transgalactosylation Activity and its Culture Characteristics Regarding Enzyme Production
갈락토스 전이활성이 높은 ${\beta}-galactosidase$ 생산균의 분리 및 효소생산과 관련된 몇가지 특징
- Kim, Min-Hong (Biotechnology, Division, R&D Center, Miwon Co., Ltd) ;
- Jung, Jin (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Seoul National University) ;
In, Man-Jin
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Seoul National University,Biotechnology, Division, R&D Center, Miwon Co., Ltd)
- Published : 1995.12.31
A Bacillus strain which produces
토양으로부터 갈락토스 전이활성이 우수한