In the Literatual Study on the Dysphonia, the results were as follows. 1. The causes of dysphonia are exogenous pathogenic factors,(specially cold evil)internal damage and meridian in The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Interal Medicine, since then endogenous pathogenic factors are lung-asthenia and deficiency of lung-yin etc. The main causes are disease caused by exogenous evils, general body weakness, emotional stimulation and excess of high voice rescently. 2. The pathogenesis of dysphonia originated from two factors; The first internal damages are consumption of body fluid with the formation of dryness evil resulting from the insufficienty of lung-yin and lung-collaterals damaged by heat-evil caused by deficiency of lung and kidney-yin. The second disease caused by exogenous evils is sluggishness of lung-energy caused by exogenous pathogenic factors. 3. The main relative organ are heart, lung and kidney etc. 4. The prescriptions of wind-cold symptoms are Samyoutang(三拗湯) and Hangsosan(杏蘇散), in the prescriptions of phlegm-heat symptom is Chenginyongphetang(淸咽寧肺湯), in the prescriptions of depressive syndrome due to disorder of vital energy are Sogangkitang(小降氣湯) and Shihochenggantang(柴胡淸肝湯加減), in the prescriptions of consumption of body fluid with the formation of dryness evil resulting from the insufficiency of lung-yin symptoms are Sanghangtang(桑杏湯) and Chenginguphetang(淸咽救肺湯, in the prescriptions of deficiency of lung and kidney-yin are Baekhabgokumtang(百合固金湯) and Maekmigiwhangtang(麥味地黃湯). 5. The treatment of acupunctures are used by LI-4(合谷), H-7(湧泉), Liv-3(太衝), K-3(太谿), Sp-6(三陰交), H-5(通里), GV-15(아門), CV-23(廉泉), S-40(農隆), K-6(照海), L-7(列缺), S-36(足三里) etc.