難聽의 原因, 症狀, 治法에 對한 硏究;中醫雜誌를 中心으로

A Study on causes and remedies of hearing disturbance in chinese medical journals

  • 김성배 (圓光大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科敎室) ;
  • 김종한 (圓光大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科敎室) ;
  • 임규상 (圓光大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科敎室)
  • 발행 : 19941200


This is the study on causes and remedies of hearing disturbance in chinese medical journals(1991-1993). The results were as follows. 1. The causes of sudden deafness(突發性耳聾) were usually fire in the liver(肝火).phlegmatic fire(痰火), deficiency of the vital function and essence of the kidney(腎虛), blood stasis or sludge due to stagnation of vital energy stagnation(氣滯血瘀). Remove endogenous heat or fire method(淸瀉火熱法). circulation of phlegm and dampness(運化痰濕). using tonics to cure disease due to deficiency of vital essence of both the liver and the kidney(滋補肝腎) were used for each treatment. 2.The causes of menieres disease were usually mental disturbance due to phlegmatit fire(痰化上搖). dampness-phlegm long standing(痰濕內停), water-dampness retention(水濕停滯), Method of remove heat and circulation phlegm(淸熱化痰法), method of remove water and dampness(利水渗濕法), invigorate function of the spleen and circulation of dampness method(健脾化濕法) were used for each treatment. 3. The causes of toxico-deafness(中毒性 耳聾) were usually heart, liver and kidney functional weakness(心肝腎虛), vital essence and blood weakness(氣血虛弱). Remove obstruction in the flow and circulation phlegm(通窮化痰), reinforce vital energy and tonify blood (補氣活血), using tonics to cure disease due to deficiency of vital essence of both the liver and the kidney(滋補肝腎) were used for each treatment. 4. The causes of deafness (耳聾), tinitus(耳鳴) were usually mental disturbance due to wind and heat(風熱上搖). flaming up of excessive heat of the liver(肝火上亢). exhaustion seat of reproductive essence in kidney(腎精虧虛). Remove endogenous heat and disperse wind(淸熱疏風). remove the fire of liver(淸肝瀉火), through nourish kidney check exuberance of yang(滋腎潛陽), nourish kidney yang(補腎陽). replenish vital energy and improve essential substance(益精血), blood activate for treatment of blood stasis(活血化瘀) were used for each treatment. 5. The effects of mainly used drugs were classified into method of water and dampness remove medicine(利水渗濕藥), nourishing liver and kidney medicine(補肝腎藥), improve blood and vital energy activate medicine(活血行氣藥), through nourish yan medicine check exuberance of yang(滋陰潛陽藥).
