프레스 금형의 특징형상 인식에 의한 가공데이타 자동변환

Automatic Conversion of Machining Data by the Feature Recognition of Press Mold

  • 최홍태 (부산대학교 대학원 생산기계공학과) ;
  • 반갑수 (한국과학기술원 CAD/CAM 그룹) ;
  • 이석희 (부산대학교 생산기계공학과 기계기술연구소)
  • 발행 : 1994.11.30


This paper presents an automatic conversion of machining data from the orthographic views of press mold by feature recognition rule. The system includes following 6 modules : separation of views, function support, dimension text check and feature processing modules. The characteristic of this system is that with minimum user intervention, it recognizes basic features such as holes, slots, pockets and clamping parts and thus automatically converts CAD drawing details of press mold into machining data using 2D CAD system instead of using an expensive 3D Modeler. The system is developed by using IBM-PC in the environment of AutoCAD R12, AutoLISP and MetaWare High C. Performance of the system is verified as a good interfacing of CAD and CAM when applied to a lot of sample drawing.
