중국(中國) 연변지구(延邊地區) 조선족(朝鮮族)의 주거공간(住居空間) 및 생활방식(生活方式) 용정시(龍井市) 지신향(智新鄕) 장재촌(長財村)을 대상으로

The Dwelling Spaces and Life Style of Ch'ang-ts'ai-ts'un Village A Case Study on a Rural Village of Korean Immigrants in Yen-pien of China

  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


This paper is a part of "A Case Study on The Dwellings and Settlement of Korean Immigrants to North-Eastern Province of China". Among various subjects from the study, this paper covers with the spaces and life style in the dwellings of Korean Immigrants. The purpose of this paper is to discribe how their dwelling culture has been moved and changed to a new environment. One rural village of Korean Immigrants named "Ch'ang-ts'ai" in Yen-pien Province was selected where we investigated more than 110 households. From the formal interview, I collect the data on the family structure, family economic state, dwelling spaces and its use, and dwelling facillities and furniture. From informal interview with key informants, I analyze how they have changed their dwelling spaces and life style since they moved here. Based on the analysis of the data, I conclude that major features of their dwelling and life style has been moved from Korean penninsula, specially from 'Hamkyong' Province where their ancestor has lived. This features are summarized as follows: a. Dwelling spaces and its functions are simillar to typical dwelling type of Hamkyong Province. b. They use "Chong-ji" for both a cooking space and a major living space. c. They have a life style of sitting on the floor. d. Bedrooms are differentiated with male and female. e. Most of their dwelling facillities and furniture arc different from those of Chinese in the same province. Since they immigrated, there has been some social changes which could influence on making their dwelling culture. But they have preserved their cultural identity on their dwellings and life style. So I suggest that the dwelling culture of a society would be seldom changed by immigration, as long as they will be given similar conditions such as the independent ethnic community, the same ecosystem, and economical autonomy.



연구 과제번호 : 중국동북지방 조선족 취락 및 주거에 관한 조사연구

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단