중국(中國) 연변지구(延邊地區) 조선족(朝鮮族) 주거(住居)의 건축적(建築的) 특징(特徵) 용정시(龍井市) 지신향(智新鄕) 장재촌(長財村) 사례(事例)를 통해

The Architectural Characteristics of Ch'ang-ts'ai-ts'un Village A Case Study on a Rural Village of the Korean Immigrants in Yen-Pien Area of China

  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


This paper is one of the sequels from 'A Survey of Villages and Dwellings of Korean Immigrants in the North-Eastern Part of China'. It is the result of the extensive survey of Ch'ang-ts'ai-tsun village and covers several architectural characteristics of the dwellings. This paper alma to identify the 'double file' dwelling type, which is believed as one of the main stream of Korean folk dwelling. In this type, 'Chung-ju-kan' forms the central open space, where main household functions are carried out. This type originates from climatic reasons and functional reasons as well. This paper also aims to clarify how the dwelling forms are changed according to the life styles of various periods. The Korean immigrants in this village have experienced rapid changes in modern times like other Chinese. Through various political movements, the original dwelling type of this village has changed to adapt various needs and functions, which shows the simple truth : dwelling form changes according to the changes of life style and social structure. In this paper the directions of chimney through various periods are analyzed to verify the differences of the house layout methods and concepts of the time. The village had grown through 3 main periods before liberation period(1946), communization period(1946 - 1966) and contemporary period (1967 - ). It is concluded as follows: 1. The village was originated in late 19th century along the east-west street, which was a major routes of Korean Immigrants to China. In this area there was no regularity in its site plan. The direction of chimney, which was usually westward, was not determined according to the location of gate. This type was kept until liberization of this area, 1946. The plans of dwellings followed Ham-kyong-do 'double file' dwelling type, '6-kan dwelling' or '8-kan dwelling'. 2. The 'New Village' area, which was formed in the communization period, has a strict regularity in its site plan. The direction of chimney was determined as opposite direction of the gate. This method was maintained until 1976, when Mao died and new 'open' policy was held by Chinese government. In this area the 'dwelling house' plan type was not changed, but its layout and size were restricted. The general form of the dwelling in this village was shaped in this period. 3. The contemporary dwellings were built in random site location. The dwelling type was changed because of the reduction of family size and the permissin of private ownership. The number of rooms was reduced but the storage rooms and domestic animal hutches were added. But the 'Chung-ju-kan', the major chacteristics of north-eastern Korea dwelling is still kept. It becomes one large 'Chtin-ju-kan' room like 'open plan' type.



연구 과제번호 : 중국 동북지방 조선족 취락 및 주거에 관한 조사연구

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단