Unlimited Liability

  • Mckay, John S. (Sedwick Aviation Limited)
  • Published : 1994.04.01


Clearly there are many legal arguments and criticisms surrounding the proposals for change in the Warsaw Convention and the need for a radical review. The question remains is unlimited liability the answer or should there be some other form of supplemental compensation and if so, what limits should be applicable. It does seem that the adopted limits of the Convention are seen by many as the first line of defence, which, dependent on political and cultural differences, the legal interpretation of contractual wording and the legal system globally have resulted in enormous differences in compensation paid whether or not the Convention limits were imposed. An example of this is in the United States, which highlights the significance of the problem in that domestic travellers without Convention Limits can, through the American legal system, obtain compensation in the multi-million dollar area for a death claim, whereas a passenger t1ying internationally would in the first instance be subject to Convention Limits. expensive legal action through litigation. To date, we can advise that insurers have not charged additional premium for unlimited liability coverage. Insurance rates as we have stated are hardening considerably. To date, average rate increases have been plus 56% for aircraft hull and plus 45% for liabilities. Insurers last year suffered global losses of around US $ 1.1 Billion against a premium income of US $ 800,000. The target premium income for 1993 is believed to be in the region of US $1.4 Billion.
