Effect of Chemotaxis on Nodulation in Bradyrhizobium-Soybean Symbiosis

근류균의 화학주성이 근류형성에 미치는 영향

  • Kang, Sang-Jai (Dep. of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Woo-Churl (Dep. of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyungpook National University)
  • Published : 1994.06.30


To research the effect of chemotaxis of Rhizobia toward the root exudate on nitrogen fixing ability in soybean Rhizobia symbiosis system. Root exudate from seedlings of Glycine max. L was collected aseptic conditions. B. japonicum KCTC 2422 induced the formation of symbiotic nitrogen fixing nodules on the root of soybean plant and possessed motility and chemotaxis toward the 2mM proline. LPN-100 mutant was $Nod^-$, $Che^+$, and LPN-101 was $Che^-$, $Nod^+$ strains. Physiological properties of mutants were similar to parent strain. The crude root exudate was tested for its chemotactic ability using the capillary tube method. Chemotactic responses of RCR 3407 toward crude root exudate were 2.2, 2.6, 2.9, those of KCTC 2422 were 2.3, 2.9, 3.0, respectively. The crude root exudate was fractionated into neutral, cationic and anionic fractions. Chemotactic responses of KCTC 2422 was least with anionic fraction, most with neutral and intermediate with cationic fraction. B. japonicum KCTC 2422 was attracted by carbohydrates, amino acids and carboxylic acid. Carbohydrates and amino acids were good chemoattractants and carboxylic acids were intermediate chemoattractants. The peak concentration was $10^{-3}M$ for ribose, glucose, glutamine, aspartic acid and carboxylic acids, with exception of xylose, arabinose, tryptophan, which elicited maximum responses at $10^{-4}M$. The formation of nodules and nitrogenase activity of soybean inoculated with KCTC 2422 was determined in 7days after inoculation, and those of LPN-101 was detected in 15days after inoculation, but LPN-100 didn't form of nodules in soybean plants.

대두 근류균 공생에서 뿌리분비물에 대한 근류균의 화학주성이 근류형성에 미치는 영향을 조사 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 2mM proline에 대한 표준균주와 변이주의 화학주성비는 KCTC 2422는 3.1, LPN-100은 1.3, LCR-101은 1.0이었으며 전형적인 Slow growing Rhizobia였다. 팔달 및 백운의 뿌리분비물 추출액에 대한 근류균의 화학주성비는 KCTC 2422는 3.5/3.2 이고 LPN-100은 1.3/1.4이며 LCR-101은 1.4/1.4정도였다. Dowex 칼럼으로부터 용출시킨 Fraction I, II, III에 대한 화학주성비는 Fraction I>II>III순이었고 중성분획인 Glucose와 Ribose, 양성분획인 Aspartic acid와 Glutamine, 음성분획인 Citric acid, Succinic acid에 대한 화학주성비는 공히 $10^{-3}M$일때 가장높은 화학주성비를 나타내었다. 근류형성의 정도는 KCTC 2422는 접종후 7일경부터 Nitrogenase 활성이 나타나기 시작하며 LCR-101은 15일 이후에 Nitrogenase 활성이 나타났으며 LPN-100은 전혀 근류를 형성하지 않아 근류균의 화학주성이 숙주인식의 초기과정에 영향을 미쳤음을 확인할 수 있었다.



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