한.일 국민학교 자연 교과서 삽화 비교 연구

The Comparison on Illustrations of Elementary Science Textbooks in Koaea and Japan

  • 발행 : 1994.04.30


In this study, with the problem of "What is the desirable illustrations?", the problem points of the existing textbooks were analyzed, and the opinions of experts concerning desirable illustrations were examined through questionaire survey, and by developing 'Analysis Framework of Illustrations', and Korean-Japanese 'science' textbooks were analyzed and compared with. The conclusions for the direction of korean 'science' textbooks are summarized as follows : 1) The numbers of korean illustrations should be more about two than one of per one page of the existing textbooks. 2) The korean illustrations for the 6th grade should be more largely inserted. 3) The more econmic space utilizing measure should be groped for looking at from the such side. 4) Though the kinds of Korean illustrations are mostly composed of photographs, pictures, illustrations, cartoons, etc. should be positively utilized. and the shapes of photographs should be diversified by such as square, round shape,omissions of background and others. 5) The distribution of players by sex should be considered envenly for male and female from the ascendency of male (1.5: 1). 6) It was found that it is desirable for the formation of role of illustrations of 20% for motive inducement, 45% for guidance for experimentation, 30% for presentation of data, and 5% for presentation of the results of experimentation. 7) The illustrations for guidance for experimentation should present important stages of experimentation process regardless the number of illustration. 8) It would be advantageous for motive induction to find the subject matters as possible as from the children's close actual life. 9) It is necessary to induce more freely method in utilizing Printing plate for inserting illustrations. 10) It is the result of research that the existing Korean textbooks are not suitable in inducing interest, and the positive strategy to induce interest is demanded. 11) It is required to select their location freely in accordance with the content regardless the. 12) In order to develop such illustrations, it is required to cultivate expert illustrators, and more economic investment is required for development of illustrations. The emphasis matters of revision of the 6th educational process of 'Inducement of study motive and emphasis on interest' is the change of presenting form and method of illustrations, which is expected to be rewarded with much good fruits.
