Asia pacific journal of information systems
- Volume 4 Issue 1
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- Pages.3-31
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- 1994
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- 2288-5404(pISSN)
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- 2288-6818(eISSN)
Design and Implementation of a Knowledge - Based Wage Rate Prediction System
지식기반 임금예측시스템 설계와 구축사례
Potential employers considering locations for production or service facilities typically equire detailed advance knowledge of the wages they will be expected to offer for workers in various occupational categories. The State of Missouri s Department of Labor and Industrial Relations is often contacted by organizations requesting such information. The current wage rate survey approach, initiated in 1988, allows the Department to predict an appropriate wage rate for a given occupation in certain counties, adjusted for changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). However, both Department employees and firms have indicated that improved prediction responsiveness and accuracy are desirable. A major deficiency of the current approach is its inability to predict wages for unsurveyed counties. This paper describes a knowledge-based system (KBS), currently in the prototype testing stage, that is expected to supplement the wage rate survey in the near future.