한국임상수의학회지 (Journal of Veterinary Clinics)
- 제11권1호
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- Pages.343-346
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- 1994
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- 1598-298X(pISSN)
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- 2384-0749(eISSN)
말에 있어서 Microsporum gypseum에 의한 백선증의 임상학적 및 진균학적 관찰
Clinical and Mycological Observations on Equine Ringworm Due to Microsporum gypseujm
- 발행 : 1994.06.01
비위생적인 마굿간에서 사육중인 2두의 젊은 말에서 Microsporum gypseum이 피부염의 일차적인 원인으로 증명되었다. 병변은 주로 흥부, 복부 및 둔부에 분포하였다. 피부병변에서 직접 표재성진균을 증명하였으며, 감염된 털과 인설을 진균배지에 접종하고 3
Microsporum gypseum was identified as the prime cause of dermatitis in two young horses who were housed in unhygienic stables. The lesions were mainly distributed on the thorax, abdomen and rump. The diagnosis was established on the direct demonstration of dermatophyte in the cutaneous lesions and isolation of the fungus in pure and heavy growth from the infected hairs and skin scales on mycological medium at 3