대두종자의 polymer coating 연구 1. polymer coating 종자의 conductivity 차이

Studies on Polymer Coating in Soybean Seeds 1. Difference of Electrolyte Leaching of Polymeric Coating Soybean Seed

  • 발행 : 1994.04.01


Polyme coating 종자의 환경적응성을 구명하기 위한 일환으로 콩 종자에 10종의 polymer를 coating하여 각 coating polymer별 conductivity, 발아력, 수분흡수력을 조사하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. Conductivity는 polymer coating한 종자가 coating하지 않은 종자보다 높았으며, 가장 높았던 polymer는 waterlock이었다. 2. Conductivity는 침종 후 시간이 경과할 수록 높아졌고, 100립중이 무거울 수록 높았다. 3. 수확년도가 오래된 종자의 conductivity가 당년에 수확한 종자보다도 높게 나타났다 4. 수분흡수 정도는 coating polymer에 따라 각각 달랐는데 daran 8600은 질이 떨어지는 종자에서는 수분흡수를 크게 저 해하였다. 5. Coating polymer 중 waterlock, captan, klucel, sacrust 등은 발아율을 상승시켰고, daran 8600은 발아율을 저하시켰으며 나머지 polymer는 품종에 따라 각각 달랐고 그 정도는 질이 떨어지는 종자에서 훨씬 컸다. 6. Polymer의 특성에 따라 수분흡수를 저해하거나 조장하였다.

These experiment were conducted to evaluate the environmentally acceptable polymers, and 10 polymers were used in these study, and to investigate conductivity, germination percentage, water uptake of polymeric coating soybean seed. The conductivity of polymeric coating seed is higher than that of none coating seed and the highest conductivity was obtained with waterlock coating seed among the 10 polymer coating seed. As the soaking time was long, the conductivity was increased. The conductivity of large seed was higher than that of small seed, and that of long period storage seed was higher than that of short period storage seed. The effects of seed coating polymers on uptake water were various, and daran 8600 inhibited uptake water of low quality seed. The waterlock, captan, klucel and sacrust was rised germination percentage, and daran 8600 was declined germination percentage, and the effect of coating polymers on germination percentage of low quality seed was higher than that of high quality seed.
