Drained End Shield Effects on Heat Deposition Rate Distribution in CANDU 6 Reactor End Shield Structure

  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


The loss of water in the carbon steel balls and water region of the end shield for CANDU 6 reactor could lead to significant temperature gradient through the end shield structure which amy result in the excessive deformation. With an assumed end shield drained scenario, the heat deposition rates were calculated through the end shield associated with the central fuel channel during full power operation as an initial step to thermal stress analysis. The drained case was compared with that of water present normal case in therms of heat deposition rater and the total heating throughout the end shield regions. The compared results show that the heat deposition and the total heating remain almost the same between the two cases. It was found that the change of volume integrated flux in the end shield regions due to the loss of water contribute a negligible effect on the heat deposition in this region.
