복합양식의 경제적 실현가능성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Economic Feasibility of Polyculture

  • 이승우 (국립수산진흥원 수산경제연구실) ;
  • 유정곤 (국립수산진흥원 수산경제연구실) ;
  • 황진욱 (국립수산진흥원 수산경제연구실)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


The objetives of this study are to find the economic feasibility of the polyculture and to give the economic information of the polyculture for aquaculture fishermen. The polyculture is defined as the rearing of several species together to make more efficient use of the growing space and the total ground environment. The economic feasibility analysis in the polyculture involves the profitability, the productivity, and the risk reduction effect. The results of the economic feasibility analysis in the polyculture are as follows; First, in the profitability analysis, the solid utilization of ground in the polyculture is more profitable than the monoculture. The profitability owing to the plane utilization of the ground in the polyculture is positioned between those of the monoculture of each speices. Second, in the productivity analysis, oyster and sea squirt are diminishing returns to scale. Third, the variation on the average rate of return in the polyculture products is smaller than that of the monoculture. Finally, the result of comparison between the polyculture and the monoculture shows that the polyculture in coastal area is more profitable and more efficient than the monoculture. Most of cultivating species are selective in their diet Thus, stocking different kinds of cultivating species will efficiently utilize space and food It seems that polyculture is more appropriate for those species that live in different ecological niches. We think that the production per unit of ground can be increased, and the fixed cost per unit of output be reduced, so the polyculture is more profitable than the monoculture. Based on the above results, we concludes that the polyculture is economically feasible when profitability and productivity are increased and simultaneously the variation of average rate of return in the polyculture is smaller than that of the monoculture.
