능동 소나 체계에서의 표적 탐지거리 예측 알고리즘과 최적 탐지깊이 결정에의 응용

Detection Range Estimation Algorithm for Active SONAR System and Application to the Determination of Optimal Search Depth

  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


In order to estimate the detection range of a active SONAR system, the SONAR equation is commonly used. In this paper, an algorithm to calculate detection range in active SONAR system as function of SONAR depth and target depth is presented. For given SONAR parameters and environment, the transmission loss and background level are found, signal excess is computed. Using log-normal distribution, signal excess is converted to detection probability at each range. Then, the detection range is obtained by integrating the detection probability as function of range for each depth. The proposed algorithm have been applied to the case of omni-directional source with center frequency 30Hz for summer and winter sound profiles. It is found that the optimal search depth is the source depth since the detection range increase at source depth where the signal excess is maximized.



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