대구지역 일.양절충식 주거의 공간 변화과정에 관한 연구

A study on the Process of Spatial Transfiguration for the Japanese-Western Eclectic Houses in Taegu province

  • 발행 : 1994.04.01


This study is to analyze the transfiguration of the plan of the Japanese-Western eclectic houses in the process of the change in the living style and modernization. Twenty four Japanese-Western eclectic houses. which were located in Teagu Province and constructed during the period from the end of 19th century to the year 1945. were surveyed and analized about the original plans and the process of their spatial tranfituration. The results of this study are as follews 1) In the original plans. the bathroom, toilet and entrance hall in the residential space and HUSMA(wooden sliding doors) for separation of the rooms had been installed. 2) After the Liberation. the rooms of the residential space had been transfigured from TADAMI. JASHIKI. kitchen and toilet etc. to ONDOL. ANBANG. kitchen and toilet etc of the Korean traditional style. From 1980's they composed of living room, dining room and entrance hall of the Western-style. 3) From the liberation to 1960's. each room of residential space had been transtigured greatly form the Japanese style into the Korean style. Thus as the entrance hall. bathroom and TADAMI has been disappeared. DNDOL and MARU reappeared. Since 1980's bathroom diningroom and entrance hall ef the Western-style have recomposed in their residential space. But ANBANG is still used as a major living space in the surveyed houses.



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