전기처리에 의한 주목의 삽목발근에 관한 연구

Studies on Rooting of Taxus cuspidata Cuttings by Electric Treatment

  • 발행 : 1994.07.01


Tow-year-old Taxus cuspidata shoot cuttings were treated with various electrical impacts of cathode on their base and anode on their apex by normal and reverse source. The cuttings were previously treated with 200ppm IBA for 12 hours and the rooting percentage, the length, and the weight of roots were checked. The auxin contents of cuttings were also examined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results obtained on this study are as follows; 1. Normal treatment, cathode into the base and anode into apex, seemed to accelerate rooting while reverse treatment showed less effective than normal treatment on rooting, but both treatments were more effective than control. 2. The impact of electrical treatment at 30mV for 30min has a remarkable effect on the percentage rooting, the length, and the weight of roots. 3. Root primordia were formed at the basipetal end of cuttings where the end of primary pith ray meets the cambium in control treatment and formed at the basal part of cuttings irregularly in electrical treatment. 4. High-performance liquid chromatography showed electrical treatment was more effective on auxin accumulation than control, and 30mV-30min was the most effective on auxin accumulation.



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