배수성 뽕나무에 있어 자연교잡한 경우의 임성

On the Fertility of Several Polyploidy Mulberries, Morus, Fructified by Natural Cross

  • 박광준 (농촌진흥청 잠업시험장)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


자연교잡으로 결실한 2배, 3배, 4배 및 6배체 뽕나무로 부터 채종한 종자의 형태임성 및 발아력은 다음과 같다. 1. 종자의 크기는 4배성 뽕나무의 종자가 가장 크고 2배성의 것은 약간 크며 3배성의 것은 보통 크기이고 6배성의 것은 극히 작았다. 2. 3배성뽕나무 가운데 신광뽕의 임실율은 25.4%이고 교잡성공율은 10.2% 이었으며, 청운뽕 55%의 임실율을 나타냈지만 발아력이 전무하였다. 3. 4배성뽕나무의 종자는 약 61~98%의 임실율을 나타내고 교잡성공율은 약 30~54%이었으며 6배성인 북산2호는 약 43%의 임실율, 7%의 교잡성공율을 나타냈다. 4. 물에 뜨는 종자의 발아력은 2배 및 4배체의 종자는 상당한 수준이었으나 3배 및 6배체의 것은 발아력이 없었다. 5. 2배성 뽕나무의 임실율은 약 81~95%의 고임성이고 교잡성공율도 약 47~74%로서 비교적 높았다.

The fertilities of pyloploidy mulberries and the germination abilities and shape of poliploidy mulberry seeds fructified by natural cross were investigated and the results are as follows. Regarding the size of seeds, that of the tetraploid was the biggest and that of hexaploid was the smallest among the investigated polyploids. Those of diploid and triploid ranged between those of tetraploid and hexaploid. The fertilization rates of the varieties of Shinkwangppong and Cheongunppong, which were triploid, were 25.4 and 55.0%, respectively, and Shinkwangppong showed 10.2% of cross rate, but Cheongunppong did not have germination ability. The tetraploid seeds showed 61~68% of fertility and 30~54% of cross rate. The Puksan No. 2, which is hexaploid, had about 43% and 7% in fertility and cross rate, respectively. The germination abilities of floating seeds of diploid and tetraploid were comparatively high, but the floating seeds of triploid and hexaploid did not have germination ability. The seeds of diploid had a high fertility of 81~95% and a comparatively high cross rate of 47~74%.
