A Study on the essential oil of fragrant woody landscape plants

방향성 식물자원의 정유함량에 관한 연구 I. 목련과 , 운향과 수목의 시기 및 부위별 정유함량

  • Published : 1994.11.01


This experiment was carrie out to investigate the amount of essential of leaves and fruits of Magnolia sieboldii, Magnolia hypoleuca, Evodia danillii male and female, Phellodendron amurense male and female and Zanthoxylum schinifolium male and emale by Karlsrube set on August, August, September and October in 1994. Essential oil yield was highest in the fruits of Zanthoxylum schinifollium leaves on Augus the amount of essential oil of Magnolia sieboldii and Magnolia hypoleuca leaves was more than the one of Evodia danillii, Phellodendron amurense and Zanthoxylum schnifolium leaves. The amount of essential oil were not diferent between male and female leaves.



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