솔잎혹파리 항공방제용 저독성 농약선발연구

Studies on Selection of Less Toxic Insecticides for the Aerial Control of Pine Needle Gall Midge (Thecodiplosis) japonensis Uchida et Inouye)

  • 이형래 (충북대학교 농과대학 농생물학과) ;
  • 변병호 (산림청 임업연구원 산림곤충과)
  • 발행 : 1994.09.01


솔잎혹파리 방제는 포스팜 50% 액제를 수간 주입에 의해 수행되고 있으나 약제처리가 농작업이 많은 시기임으로 노동력의 부족으로 인한 실제 방제에 문제점이 있어 항고기를 이용한 약제방제가 필요하여 저독성 약제인 곤충발육저해제 중 Buprofezin 40% 액상 수화제가 선발되었고 10배, 30배, 50배로 희석하여 ULV로 살포한 결과 각각 72.4%, 57.6%, 8.4%의 방제효과를 얻어 항공방제용 약제 선발가능성을 시사하고 있다.

Trunk implantation method of phosphamidon 50% Lq.is commonly applied to control the pine needle gall midge (Thecodiplosis laponensts Uchida et Inouye) Since trunk implantaion is normally practiced during the late Spring, it is often difficult to accommodate necessay labor in mral area. As an alternative, aerial spraylng of less toxic ~nsecticide was designed. Usage of less toxic insecticide in the aenal control of pine needle gall midge can reduce the damage to forest ecosystem. The buproferin, one of the insect growth regulator, was selected at d~fferent rate of dilutions and the treatments effects ruere evaluated at different date and time When 50 t~mes diluted solution of buprofezin 40% SC was treated on different period, there was no significant difference in dficacies. the control efficacies of buproferin 40% SC was measured by occurrences (%) of gall formation of the pine needle gall midge using a ultra low volume (ULV) sprayer and the dilutions of 10X 30X and 50X of buprofez~n 40% SC gave efficacies. 72.4. 57.6 and 8.4, respectively.
