의복의 구속성에 관한 연구 (IV) -슬랙스 착용시의 하지부 압박을 중심으로-

Studies on Garment Restraint (IV) -Effect of Slacks Restraint on Lower Extremity-

  • 심부자 (동아대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 최선희 (동아대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.07.01


Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Vol. 18, No. 3 (1994) p. 387∼394 In this study, the restriction of slacks (blue jean) versus box pleats skirt was investigated, from the view point of peripheral blood flow at the toe according to motion variation and E.M.G. analysis of leg muscles after walking on the flat or going up and down stairways. Besides, the pressure of slacks on the lower extrimity was measured statically and dynamically. The main results were summerized as follows; 1. The clothing pressure applied by slacks was; each one of thigh and lower leg was 18.2 g/ cm2 and 22.1 g/cm2 in upright, 63.4 g/cm2 and 26.6 g/cm2 in sitting on the chair, on both sides of thigh and lower leg 272.0 g/cm2 over in squatting. 2. When the motion starts from upright, the dynamic clothing pressure reach their peak before the motions end. When the motion ends and the body comes to a still condition, the clothing pressure grow lower and indicate a constant value. but when the body starts moving again to return to upright, the pressures once grow higher and go to zero value after reaching the peak. The pressure on the knee show much greater than those on the hip. This can be because these pressures depend on the degree of skin stretching motion and of its curvature. 3. The surface E.M.G. in leg muscles M. rectus femoris and M. gastrocnemius were recoreded. In the case of wearing slacks, two muscles were activated much more than wearing skirt. 4. The peripheral blood flow at the toe by wearing slacks was lower than wearing skirt. Also the case when squatting, the peripheral blood flow at the toe was low.
