Culture Tube 방법에 의한 난황중의 Cholesterol 정량

Culture Tube Method for the Determination of Total Cholesterol in Egg Yolk Lipid

  • Ha, Yeong-Lae (Dept .of Agricultural Chemistry , Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, Jeong-Ok (Dept.of Cheistry , Pusan Women's University)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


A simple, reproducible , and accurate enzymatic method using a cholesterol assay kit was developed to quantify total cholesterol content in egg yolk. Total egg yolk lipid was extracted with hexane : isopropanol(3 : 2, v/v) mixture. Samples containing various amount of the total lipid(0-3mg) in optically identifical culture tubes were reacted for 10 min in a water bath (37$^{\circ}C$) with the enzyme solution (5ml) from the cholesterol assay kit. Cholesterol content of the reaction mixturesin culture tubes was spectrophotometrically determined by two different ways : (1) using the culture tube as a curvette(designate culture tube method ; CTM) and (2) the quartz cvette containing the reaction mixture transferred from the culture tube (designate standard cvette method, SCM). CTM revealed lower cholesterol content in 0.1-1.0mg lipid sample range that SCM did, but not significant. For more than 2.0mg lipid sample, CTM gave significantly (p<0.01) lower cholesterol content relative to that by SCM, suggesting that SCM give a false positive result from the sample containing more than 2 mg lipid due to the interference of absorbance by lipid dispersed in the reaction solution . Cholesterol content of less than 1.0mg lipid sample by CTM was proportional to the amount of lipid used, but its linear relationship was not seen in more than 2mg lipid sample. Thus, to determine the appropriate lipid amounts (mg) analyzed . A constant level (41$\mu\textrm{g}$/mg) of cholesterol concentration was observed from the sample containing 0.1-1mg lipid. after which the cholesterol level was dropped to less than 41$\mu\textrm{g}$ /mg. Cholesterol concentration in egg yolk samples quantified by CTM was in accordance with that by GC method. These results suggest that CTM is an useful method for the quantification of cholesterol in egg yolk lipid and other lipids as well.



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