This study was designed to observe the effects of the mixed diets of edible mushrooms and vegetables oils on the lipid component and fatty acid composition in liver of the diet induced hydpercholesterolemic rats. Ten groups of male S.D. rats were fed a basal diet supplemented with 5% of one of three mushrooms(G.I, L.e, A.j) and 10% of one of three vegetable oils (olive ,safflower perilla) for three weeks. In liver, total cholesterol concentration was significantly low in group 3 (olive oil 10 % + L. edodes 5%) and 6 (safflower oil 10 % $_2$L. edodes 5%) , triglyceride concentration was low in groups 8 (perilla oil 10 % + g. lucidum 5%) and 9 (perilla oil 10% + L. edodes 5%) and phospholipid concentration was significantly low in groups 3, 5, (safflower oil 10 % + G.lucidum 5%), 6, 7 (safflower oil 10 % + A .judae 5%) 8, 9 and 10 (perilla oil 10% + a. judae 5%). in the fatty acid composition of total lipid inliver, monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) concentration s were high in groups 2 (olive oil 105 + g. lucidum 5%), 3, and 4 (olive oil 10% + A. judae 5%) and all the perilla oil groups, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and linoleic aicd concentrations were signifciantly high in all the safflower oil groups. In the fatty acid composition of liver phospholipid , PUFA concentrations were ghih but MUFA concentrations were low. In the triglyceride component, MUFA were some more than saturated fatty acid (SFA) . In the cholesteryl ester component, MUFa concentrations were significantly high. In the fatty acid composition of liver lipid components, linholeic acid was high in the PUFA and so it was major fatty acid. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) of phospholipid component in liver was significantly high.