- 한국약품식품자원도감 육창수
- Biologically active natural products Terponoids from the Genus Artemisia as potential pesticides Duke,S.O.;Paul,R.X.Jr.;Lee,S.M.
- 쑥의 증식과 이용에 관한 연구. Ⅱ. 증식방법에 따른 쑥의 발근력과 생산력의 차이 v.13 김태환;김병호
- 고려이전의 한국식생활 연구 이성우
- Chromatographea. v.18 Capillary GLC controls of some Alpine Artemisia and of the related liqueurs Bicchi,C.;D'Amato,A.;Nano,G.M.;Frattine,C.
- 생약학회지 v.6 no.2 한국향토민속약 규명에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) 이선주
- Ph. D. Thesis. Pharmacology department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University Phytochemical and pharmacological screening of certain Aretemisi species growing in Egypt Moussa,N.M.
- Ph.D. Thesis. University Bonn Wilbert,S.
- Khim. Pier. Soedin. v.4 Kasymon,S.Z.K.;Abdullaev,N.D.;Sidyakin,G.P.;Yagudae,M.R.
- Ph. D. thesis. Colorade State Univ. Volatile oils and antibiosis of artemisia Nagy,J.G.
- Biology and chemistry of tichomes Kilsey,R.G.;Reynolds,G.W.;Rodriguez,E.;Rodriguez,E.(ed.)
- J. Korean Soc. Food Nutr. v.21 Antimutagenic effect of the major volatile compounds identified from mugwort(Artemisia asiatica nakai)leaves Kim,J.O.;Kim,Y.S.;Lee,J.H.;Kim,M.N.;Rhee,S.H.;Moon,S.H.;Park,K.Y.
- Asteraeae. Acta pharm. Jugosl. v.41 A contribution to chemotaxonomy of Artemisia annua L. Chalchat,J.C.;Gorunovic,M.
- Perfumer & Flavorist. v.6 Progress in essential oils Brian,M.L.
- Plant Media v.54 no.1 Chemical characteristics of the oil from Artemisia absinthium collected in pathgony (Argentina) Sacco,T.;Chialva,F.
- Z. Lebesm Unters Forsch. v.173 Uber die komponenten des artherischen ols aus estragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) Vostrowsky,O.;Michaclis,K.;Ihm,H.;Zintl,R.;Knobloch,K.
- 부산대학교 대학원 석사학위 논문 쑥의 향기성분에 관한 연구 김지미
- Culture of Korean tea Jeong,Y.S.
- J. Agric. Food Chem. v.28 Application and characteristics of polymer asorption method used to analyze flavor volatilies from peanuts Buckholz,L.L.;Withycombe,D.A.;Henryd,D.
- J. Dairy Sci. v.68 Comparison of methods for the analysis of higher boiling flavor compounds in Cheddar cheese Dun,H.C.;Lindsay,R.C.
- Perfume and flavor chemicals(aroma chemicals) Arctander,S.
- Mutagens and carcinogen in the diet Chemoprevention and chemotheraphy of mammary tumors by monoterponoids Gould,M.N.;Wacker,W.D.;Maltzman,T.H.;Pariza,M.W.(ed.);Aeschbacher,H.U.(ed.);Felton,J.S.(ed.);Sato,S.(ed.)
- J. Agric. Food Chem. v.40 Antimicrobial activity of green tea flavor components and their combination effects Isao,K.;Hisae,M.;Masaki,H.
- Spices and culinay herbs Spices, condiments, and seasonings Farrell,K.T.;Farrell,K.T.(ed.)
- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. v.16 Benzo [a]pyrene content ot certain pyrogenic materials Kuratsune,M.
- Diet, nutrition and cancer Mutagenic nitropyrenes in foods Ohinishi,Y.;Kinouchi,T.;Tsutsui,H.;Uejima,M.;Nishifuji,K.;Hayashi,Y.(ed.);Nagao,M.(ed.);Sugimura,T.(ed.);Takayama,S.(ed.);Tomatis,L.(ed.);Wattenberg,L.W.(ed.);Wogan,G.N.(ed.)
- Carcinogenesis v.7 The isolationa and identification of a new mutagen from fried ground beeg : 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo - [4,5-b] pyridine(PhlP) Felton,J.S.;Knize,M.G.;Shen,N.G.;Iewis,P.R.;Anderson,B.D.;Happe,J.;Hatch,F.T.
- Chemical Induction of cancer, structural bases and biological mechanismsⅢ v.ⅢC Mutagens/caricinogens in pyrolysates of amino acids and proteins in cooked food : heterocyclic aromatic amines Sugimura,T.;Sato,S.;Wakabayashi,K.;Woo,Y.T.(ed.);Lai,D.Y.(ed.);Arcos,J.C.(ed.);Argus,M.F.(ed.)
- Z. Lebnsm Unter Forsch v.176 Hochdurck-extraktion von naturstoffen mit uberkritischen und verflussigten Gasen Stahl,E.;Gerard,D.
- J. Chromatog. v.11 A generalization of the retention index system including linear temperature programmed gasliquid partition chromatography Van den Dool, H.;Kratz,P.D.