Dietary Lipid and Atherosclerosis

지방질과 동맥경화증

  • 조성희 (효성여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1994.02.01


Atherosclerosis, a multifactorial disease, is closely related to lipid nutrition , Data from well known epidemiological studies including Seven Country , Framinghsam Study and several intervention trials have confirmed that serum cholesterol is the major risk factor and elevation of LDL-cholesterol level is most undesriable. On the basis of results concurring in that dietary saturated fat and cholesterol increase serum cholesterol while polyunsaturated fat decrease it, changes in serum choesterol level have been predicted by regression equations developed by Keys et al. and other investigators. Effects of individual fatty acids on the level of serum cholesterol have been further differentiated by chain length, cis-trans isomers and n-6 vs n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Among them the effect of n-3 fatty acids has been well recogniaed as antiplatelet activity, thus reducing the incidence of atherosclerosis. Role of vitamin E in prevention of atherosclerosis has been evovled from works showing that LDL oxdiation stimulates formation of ateroma and also from epidemiologic studies. Dietary recommendations at present are : (ⅰ) 30 and 10 cal % as upper limit of total and saturated fat intakes, respectively (ⅱ) no more than 300 mg cholesterol/day, (ⅲ) 1-2 g of n-3 fatty acid/day and (ⅳ) some increase RDA of vitamin E which is 8-10 TE.



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