단백질과 카페인의 섭취수준이 나이가 다른 흰쥐의 칼슘, 인 , 나트륨 및 칼륨 대사에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Dietary Protein and Caffeine Consumption Levels on Calcium Phosphorus, Sodium and Potassium Metabolism in the Rats of Different Ages

  • 여정숙 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 승정자 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.02.01


This study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary protein and caffeine consumption levels on Ca, P, Na and K metabolism. One hundred twenty rats were divided into twelve groups according to age, protein level and caffeine consumption such as group(120-130g young rat, 250-300g adult rat) , dietary protein group (20% normal protein , 85 low protein) , caffeine consumption group(0, 3.5mg, 7.0mg). Low protein diet containing high caffeine levels caffeine levels increased calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium contents of urine and fecal in rats. Young rat has higher level of calcium, phosphorus , sodium and potassium than adult rat. In the serum, calcium contents were not affected by age, dietary protein levels and caffeine consumption . However, phosphorus, sodium and potassium contents of serum in adult rat were higher than young rat. In the liver, potassium decreased with decreasing dietary protein levels. In the kidney, calcium , phosphorus and potassium contents were not different by age group, dietary protein levels and caffeine consumption , but sodium content was significantly reduced in the adult rat.



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