- 한국영양학회지 v.5 no.4 우리나라 식품소비 변화에 관한 고찰 채범석;신영무
- 도시가계연보 경제기획원 조사통계국
- 산업생산연보 경제기획원 조사통계국
- Nutrition update in caffeine and health Weininger,J.;Briggs,G.M.;Nightingale,S.L.;Flamn,W.G.
- Nutr. Rev. v.36 Caffeine-its identity, dietary sources, intake and biological effects Grahm,D.M.
- Central nervous system stimulants : The xanthines : The pharmacological basis of therapeutics(5th ed.) Ritchie,J.M.
- Clin. Pharmacol. Therap. v.11 Comparative stimulant and diuretic actions of caffeine and theobaomine in man Dorfman,L.J.;Jarvik,M.E.
- J. A. M. A. v.71 Physiologic and pyshchotropic effects of caffeine on man Stephenson,P.E.
- J. Food Safety v.4 The pharmacology and toxicology of caffeine Lachance,M.P.
- Pharmacol. Rev. v.14 Enhancement of human performance by caffeine and the amphetamins Weiss,B.;Laties,V.G.
- Psychopharmacology v.40 The effects of age and illumination on the dose-response curres for three stimulants Kallman,W.M.;Issacs,W.
- Fed. Proc. v.33 Spontaneous locomotor activity charges evoked by caffeine in mice Hirsh,K.R.;Pinzone,M.G.;Forde,J.H.
- Drill's pharmacology in medicine(4th ed.) The xanthines Truitl,E.B.
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.33 Caffeine and coffee-their influence on metabolic rate substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals Acheson,K.J.;Markiewicz,B.Z.;Anantharaman,K.;Jequier,E.
- Arch. Intern. Med. v.19 The effect of caffeine heart production Means,J.H.;Aub,J.C.;Dubois,E.F.
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.34 A simple apparatus for comparative measurements of energy expenditure in human subjects : The thermic effect of caffeine Hollands,M.A.;Arch,J.R.S.;Cawthorne,M.A.
- N. Engl. J. Med. v.298 Effect of caffeine on plasma renin activity, catecholamines and blood pressure Robertson,D.;Frolich,J.C.;Carr,R.K.;Watson,J.T.;Hollifield,J.W.;Shand,D.G.;Oates,J.A.
- J. Clin. Invest. v.16 A clinical study of the action of 10 commonly used drugs on cardiac output, work and size, on respiration on metabolic rate and on the electrocardiogram Stars,I.
- Am. J. Med. v.73 Effect of coffe and cigarette smoking on the blood pressure on untreated and diuretic-treated hypertensive patients Freestone,S.;Ramsay,L.E.
- Am. J. Cardiol. v.56 Circulatory effects of coffee in relation to the pharmacokinetics of caffeine Smits,P.;Thien,T.;Larr,A.
- Fed. Proc. v.40 Effect of acute oral caffeine treatment on spleen and thymus of male rats Ross,V.C.;Friedman,L.;Gaines,D.W.;Keys,J.E.
- Am. J. Physiol. v.141 The effect of caffeine upon gastric secretion in the dog, cat and man Roth,J.A.;Ivy,A.C.
- J. A. M. A. v.126 Caffeine and peptic ulcer Roth,J.A.;Ivy,A.C.;Atkinson,A.
- Scand. J. Gastroenterol. v.6 Caffeine-stimulated acid and pepsin secretion : Dose-response studies Debas,H.T.;Cohen,M.M.;Holubitsky,I.B.;Harrison,R.C.
- Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. v.43 The chronic oral toxicity of caffeine Boyd,E.;Dolman,M.;Knight,L.;Scheppard,E.
- J. Nutr. v.116 Influence of injected caffeine on the metabolism of calcium and the retention and excretion of sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and copper in rats Yeh,J.K.;Aloia,J.F.;Semla,H.M.;Chen,S.Y.
- Nutr. Res. v.8 Acute effects of dietary caffeine and sucrose on urinary mineral excretion of healthy adolescents Massey,L.K.;Hollingbery,P.W.
- Nutr. Res. v.4 The effect of dietary caffeine on urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in health young females Massey,L.K.;Wise,K.L.
- J. Nutr. v.117 Effect of dietary caffeine and theophylline on urinary calcium excretion in the adult rat Whiting,S.J.;Whitney,H.L.
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.42 The relationship between diet and bone mineral content of multiple skeletal sites in elderly japaneses-American men and women living in Hawaii Yano,K.;Heilbrun,L.K.;Wasnich,R.D.;Hankin,J.H.;Vogel,J.M.
- J. Nutr. v.116 Coffee intake during pregnancy and lactation in rats : Maternal and pup hematological parameters and liver iron, zinc and copper concentration Munoz,L.;Keen,C.L.;Lonnerdal,B.;Dewey,K.
- Clin. Res. v.25 Maturation of caffeine desposition in infancy Aranda,J.V.;Collinge,J.M.;Zimman,R.;Trippenback,T.;Jain,R.
- Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. v.25 Caffeine metabolism in the newborn Aldrige,A.;Aranda,J.V.;Neins,A.H.
- J. Am Dietet. Assoc. v.86 Beverages in the diets of American teenagers Guenther,P.M.
- J. Nutr. v.107 American Institute of Nutrition : Report of the American Institute of Nutrition : Ad Hoc committee on Standards for nutritional studies
- 식품분석 신효선
- J. Biol. Chem. v.158 On the calorimetric determination of creatinine by the Jaffe reaction Bonsnes,R.W.;Taussky,H.H.
- 식품과 영양 v.17 no.1 식품의 무기성분 분석 임정남
- Br. J. Nutr. v.39 The hypercholesterolemic effect of caffeine in rats fed on diets with and without supplementary cholesterol Fears,R.
- J. Pharmacol. Exptl. Therap. v.22 Drugs and basal metabolism Boothby,W.M.;Rowntree,L.G.
- 서울여자대학교대학원 석사학위논문 Coffee의 첨가가 흰쥐의 HDL-cholesterol 및 체내 지방대사에 미치는 영향 김미자
- J. Nutr. v.97 Influence of caffeine containing beverages on the growth, food utilization and plasma lipids of the rat Naismith,D.J.;Akinjanju,P.A.;Yudkin,J.
- 영남대학교대학원 석사학위논문 Caffeine첨가 사료가 백쥐의 혈청 및 간장성분에 미치는 영향 안태영
- 성신여자대학교대학원 석사학위논문 지방 수준을 달리한 식이에 카페인의 첨가가 흰쥐의 체내 지방대사에 미치는 영향 배현숙
- 이화여자대학교대학원 석사학위논문 단백질의 종류를 달리한 식이에 첨가한 coffee와 methionine이 흰쥐의 단백질과 지방대사에 미치는 영향 김영심
- Nutr. Res. v.5 Effect of dietary caffeine on urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chloride and zinc in healthy males Massey,L.K.;Berg,T.A.
- J. Nutr. v.110 Studies on the mechanism of protein-induced hypercalciuria in older men and women Schuette,S.A.;Zemel,M.B.;Linkswiler,H.M.
- J. Nutr. v.110 The role of sulfate in the calciuria of high protein diets in adult rats Whiting,S.J.;Draper,H.H.
- 한국영양학회지 v.19 no.1 단백질 종류가 체내 칼슘대사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 피재은;백희영
- 이화여자대학교대학원 석사학위논문 Coffee를 지방의 수준과 종류를 달리한 식이에 첨가 하였을때 흰쥐의 지방대사에 미치는 영향 정조인
- J. Lab. Clin. Med. v.99 Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and caffeine on calcium balance in women Heaney,R.;Recker,R.R.
- Modern nutrition in health and disease(6th ed.) Avioli,L.V.
- Modern nutrition in health and disease(6th ed.) Li,T.K.;Vallee,B.L.
- Modern nutrition in health and disease(6th ed.) Water, electrolytes and acid-base balance Randall,H.T.
- Toxicol. Lett. v.7 Urinary excretion of an uracilic metabolite from caffeine by rat, monkey and man Latini,R.;Bonati,M.;Marzi,E.;Garattini,S.
- J. Nutr. v.104 Effect of protein intake on calcium balance of young men given 500mg calcium daily Anand,C.R.;Linkswiller,H.M.
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.31 Effect of a high protein(meat) intake on calcium metabolism in man Spencer,H.;Kramer,L.;Osis,D.;Norris,C.
- 숙명여자대학교대학원 박사학위논문 단백질 섭취수준이 인체내 칼슘, 인, 마그네슘 대사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 김순경
- J. Nutr. v.105 Effect of a high protein intake on calcium metabolism in rat Bell,R.R.;Engelmann,D.T.;Sie,T.;Draper,H.H.
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.27 Studies in calcium metabolism : The calciuretic effect of dietary protein Margen,S.;Chu,J.Y.;Kaufman,N.A.;Callaway,D.H.
- 상명여자사범대학대학원 석사학위논문 고 지방식이에 첨가한 Caffeine 음료가 흰쥐의 체내 지방대사에 미치는 영향 이경숙
- 성심여자대학교대학원 석사학위논문 단백질 급원과 식이내 Mg 함량이 흰쥐의 체내 Ca 및 Mg, P 대사에 미치는 영항 조미혜