Bacterial Brown Rot of Scarlet Kafir Lily (Clivia spp.) Caused by Erwinia cypripedii

Erwinia cypripedii에 의한 군자란의 세균성 갈색부패병

  • Published : 1994.08.01


In 1991, the leaves and roots brown rot disease of scarlet kafir lily were found in Taejon and Seoul. The symptoms were appeared as dark-brown and water soaked on leaves. The discolored area of the leaves become halo. The roots revealed blight gray and water soaked. The pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the diseased leaves of the scarlet kafir lily were identified as Erwinia cypripedii on the bais of bacterial characteristics. E. cypripedii is first described bacteria which cause the disease on scarlet kafir lily in Korea. Therefore, we would like to propose to the name of scarlet kafir lily disease caused by E. cypripedii as“bacterial brown-rot of scarlet kafir lily”hereafter.
