Aphelenchus avenae에 의한 인산 토양병의 억제효과

Effects of Aphelenchus avenae on Suppression of Soilborne Diseases of Ginseng

  • 발행 : 1994.08.01


The monoxenic culture of the fungivorous nematode, Aphelenchus avenae, was applied for the control of soil-borne ginseng pathogens such as Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani. Fungivorous nematode populations were measured in a field to examine relationships between the nematode populations and suppression of ginseng root diseases. Inoculation of A. avenae (5000 nematodes per petri-dish) reduced the colonization of the Fusarium mycelium on root discs of ginseng and carrot by 80.0% and 60.5%, respectively. A. avenae also significantly reduced the occurrence of damping-off of ginseng by R. solani pathogenic to ginseng, and no plant damage by the nematode was noted. In a 3-year-old ginseng field infested with Cylindrocarpon destructans, plant missing caused by root rot positively correlated to the density of potato rot nematode, Ditylenchus destructor, but it was reduced with the population of A. avenae, suggesting that A. avenae might inhibit the occurrence of ginseng root rot.
