얕은 감세지내의 극한 세굴잠재능 예측

Prediction of Ultimate Scour Potentials in a Shallow Plunge Pool

  • 손광익 (정회원, 한국수자원공사 수자원연구소)
  • 발행 : 1994.03.01


댐 여수로(Spillway)나 파이프 암거(Pipe Culvert)로부터 방류되는 \ulcorner은 수공구조물 하류부의 에너지 감소 목적으로 사용되는 감세지내의 세굴을 유발하며 수공구조물의 기초부위까지 세굴이 진행되면 수공구조물의 구조적 안정성까지 위협하게 된다. 따라서 감세지내의 세굴을 예측하기 위한 많은 연구와 경험적 공식들이 발표되었으나 공식별 예측범위가 너무 넓어 감세지 설계에 적용할 수 있는 공식의 선정이 사실상 불가능하다. 본 연구는 세굴에 영향을 미치는 인자들을 분석할 수 있도록 사각형 감세지내에서 원형수중\ulcorner을 사용한 새로운 실험방법의 개발과 실험을 통해 \ulcorner의 크기와 하상물질의 크기비가 세굴을 지배하는 주요인자인 사실을 알아내고, 각종 세굴 지배인자와 침강지내의 \ulcorner확산 및 \ulcorner모멘텀 이론을 이용한 두 개의 \ulcorner확산 지역에 대하여 네가지의 반이론적 세굴 예측공식을 제시하였다.

A plunge pool is often employed as an energy-dissipating device at the end of a spillway or a pipe culvert. A jet from spillways or pipes frequently generates a scour hole which threatens the stability of the hydraulic structure. Existing scour prediction formulas of plunge pool of spillways or pipe culverts give a wide range of scour depths, and it is, therefore, difficult to accurately predict those scour depths. In this study, a new experimental method and new scour prediction formulas under submerged circular jet for large bed materials with shallow tailwater depths were developed. A major variale, which was not used in previous scour prediction equations, was the ratio of jet size to bed material size. In this study, jet momentum acting on a bed particle and jet diffustion theory were employed to derive scour prediction formulas. Four theoretical formulas were suggested for the two regions of jet diffusion, i.e., the region of flow establishment and the region of established flow. The semi-theoretically developed scour prediction formulas showed close agreement with laboratory experiments performed on a movable bed made of large spherical particles.



  1. ASCE, Journal of Hydraulics Div. v.96 Forces from submerged jets Ackermann,N.L.;R.Undan
  2. Transactions of ASCE, Paper v.2409 Diffusion of submerged jets Albertson,M.L.;Y.B.Dai;R.A.Jesen;H.Rouse
  3. IAHR Hydraulic structures design manual 2 Scouring Breusers,H.N.C.;A.J.Raudikivi
  4. Transactions of 11th International Congress on Large Dams no.2 Scour, stilling basins and downstream protection under free overfall jets at dams Hartung,F.;E.Hausler
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  12. Translated by Ott, W.P. and Uchelen, J.C., California Institute of Technology Application of Similarity Principles and Turbulence Research to Bed-Load Movement Anwendung der Aehnlichkeits mechanik und der Turbulenzforschung auf die Geschiebebewegung Shields,I.A.
  13. Proceedings of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers v.13 no.4 Experimental analysis of the parameters governing scour in plunge pool with cohesionless bed material Son,K.I.;W.Lee;W.Cho
  14. Ph.D. Dissertation. Utah State University Library Scour Mechanism of Large Cohesionless Bed Materials under Inclined Submerged Circular Jet Son,K.I.