외상성 횡격막 손상에 대한 임상적 고찰

Clinical Evaluation of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Injuries

  • 발행 : 1994.12.01


We reviewed 10 cases of traumatic diaphragmatic injuries at Soonchunhyang University Gumi Hospital from January 1990 through April 1993. seven patients were male and three patients were female. The age distribution was ranged from 25 to 79 years, predominant 4th decades occurred in male. The traumatic diaphragmatic injuries were due to blunt trauma in 9 cases (traffic accident 7 and crash injury 2) and penetrating wound in 1 case (stab wound). The common symptom were dyspnea (60%), chest pain and abdominal pain in order frequency. In the blunt trauma and crash injury, te rupture site was all located in the left(9 cases). In the penetrating wound, the rupture site was located in the right(1 case). The surgical repair of 10 cases were performed with transthoracic approach in 9 cases and thoracoabodominal approach in 1 case. The postoperative mortality was 10% (1/10). The cause of death was multiple organ failure with pulmonary edema.



  1. 흉부화상진단(1판) 흉부외상 박용휘;박석희
  2. Ann. Thorac. Surg. v.42 Blunt and penetrating diaphragmatic injuries with or without herniation of organ into the chest Symbasm,P.N.;Vlasis,S.E.;Hatcher,C.Jr.
  3. 대흉외지 v.22 외상성 횡격막 손상의 외과적 고찰 오봉석;조완재
  4. 대흉외지 v.22 외상성 횡경막 손상 정경영;이두연;유경종;조범구;홍승록
  5. General Thoracic Surgery(3rd ed.) Diaphragmatic injuries Shields,T.W.;Symbas,P.N.(ed.);Shields,T.W.(ed.)
  6. 대흉외지 v.9 외상성 횡경막손상 치험 11례 이영;장일성;김인구;배진선;손기섭
  7. 대흉외지 v.25 외상성 횡격막 손상 박광제;전찬규;송기호(등)
  8. Arch. Surg. v.117 Raumatic diaphragmatic hernia Payen,J.H.;Yellin,A.E.