원발성 폐암의 외과적 고찰

Surgical Evaluation of Bronchogenic Carcinoma

  • 발행 : 1994.03.01


Lung cancer is one of the most disastrous of all the current cancers in Korea. In 1990 it was projected that there would be 5, 500 new lung cancer patients in Korea and that 5, 000 would die of their disease. This is a mortality rate of 91 percent. We reviewed the surgically treated 153 bronchogenic cancer patients from January 1987 to December 1991 in St. Mary`s Hospital of Catholic University Medical College. There were 121 men and 32 women ranging in age from 18 to 83 years, with a mean of 56 years. Of the 153 patients, resection was possible in 138 patients and the resectability was 90.1 percent. Squamous cell carcinoma was present in 48 percent of patients, adenocarcinoma in 29 percent, adenosquamous carcinoma in 7 percent, large cell carcinoma in 6 percent, salivary gland tumor in 5 percent, and small cell carcinoma and carcinoid in 3 percent respectively. Postoperative cancer staging was grouped stage I 33 percent, stage II 21 percent, stage IIIa 35 percent, and stage IIIb 10 percent. Lobectomy was performed in 70 percent, pneumonectomy in 17 percent, and segmentectomy in 14 percent. Three and 5-year postoperative survival in resectable 138 patients were 47 and 29 percent respectively.



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