Development of lumped model to analyze the hydrological effects landuse change

토지이용 변화에 따른 수문 특성의 변화를 추적하기 위한 Lumped모형의 개발

  • Son, Ill (Gyeongsang National University)
  • 손일 (경상대학교 사범대학)
  • Published : 1994.09.01


One of major advantages of Lumped model is its ability to simulate extended flows. A further advantage is that it requires only conventional, readily available hydrological data (rainfall, evaporation and runoff). These two advantages commend the use of this type of model for the analysis of the hydrological effects of landuse change. Experimental Catchment(K11) of Kimakia site in Kenga experienced three phases of landuse change for sixteen and half years. The Institute of Hydrology offered the hydrological data from the catchment for this research. On basis of Blackie's(l972) 9-parameter model, a new model(R1131) was reorganized in consideration of the following aspects to reflect the hydrological characteristics of the catchment: 1) The evapotranspiration necessary for the landuse hydrology, 2) high permeable soils, 3) small catchment, 4) input option for initial soil moisture deficit, and 5) othel modules for water budget analysis. The new model is constructed as a 11-parameter, 3-storage, 1-input option model. Using a number of initial conditions, the model was optimized to the data of three landuse phases. The model efficiencies were 96.78%, 97.20%, 94.62% and the errors of total flow were -1.78%, -3.36%, -5.32%. The bias of the optimized models were tested by several techniques, The extended flows were simulated in the prediction mode using the optimized model and the data set of the whole series of experimental periods. They are used to analyse the change of daily high and low-flow caused by landuse change. The relative water use ratio of the clearing and seedling phase was 60.21%, but that of the next two phases were 81.23% and 83.78% respectively. The annual peak flows of second and third phase at a 1.5-year return period were decreased by 31.3% and 31.2% compared to that of the first phase. The annual peak flow at a 50-year return period in the second phase was an increase of only 4.8%, and that in the third phase was an increase of 12.9%. The annual minimum flow at a 1.5-year return period was decreased by 34.2% in the second phase, and 34.3% in the third phase. The changes in the annual minimum flows were decreased for the larger return periods; a 20.2% decrease in the second phase and 20.9% decrease in the third phase at a 50-year return period. From the results above, two aspects could be concluded. Firstly, the flow regime in Catchment K11 was changed due to the landuse conversion from the clearing and seedling phade to the intermediate stage of pine plantation. But, The flow regime was little affected after the pine trees reached a certain height. Secondly, the effects of the pine plantation on the daily high- and low-flow were reduced with the increase in flood size and the severity of drought.

토지이용수문학을 위한 하나의 대안으로, 모형의 단순성, 모형변형의 용이성, 그리 고 모의된 모형으로부터 지속적인 유량 예측 능력을 지닌 Lumped모형을 이용해 토지이용 변화에 따른 수문특성의 변화를 추적하였다. Blackie(1972)의 모형을 근간으로, R1131(11-parameter, 3-storage, l-input option) 모형을 구축하였다. 연구 대상 유역분지는 케냐에 있는 Kimakia Catchement K11이며, 이곳의 토지이용은 3번 변화하였다. 3단계의 토 지이용 기간에 대해 모형을 보정한 결과, 모형유효도는 96.78%, 97.20%, 94.62%이며, 전체유 량오차는 각각 -1.78%, -3.36%, 5.32% 였다. 보정된 모형을 이용해 각 토지이용 단계별로 확장유출량을 발생시키고, 빈도해석을 시도했다. 홍수 규모가 작은 경우 식생변화에 따라 31.3%와 32.1% 정도로 홍수량이 줄어들었으나, 홍수 규모가 커짐에 따라 홍수량의 감소 정 도는 점차 작아지고 있다. 이와 같은 현상은 갈수량의 변화에서도 발견된다. 또한 식생이 어 느 정도까지 성장한 이후에는 계속된 식생 성장에도 불구하고 홍수량과 갈수량은 큰 변화가 없다.
