Navigation and Find Co-location of ATSR Images

  • Shin, Dong-Seok (Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department, University College London) ;
  • Pollard, John-K. (Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department, University College London)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


In this paper, we propose a comprehensive geometric correction algorithm of Along Track Scanning Radiometer(ATSR) images. The procedure consists of two cascaded modules; precorrection and fine co-location. The pre-correction algorithm is based on the navigation model which was derived in mathematical forms. This model was applied for correction raw(un-geolocated) ATSR images. The non-systematic geometric errors are also introduced as the limitation of the geometric correction by this analytical method. A fast and automatic algorithm is also presented in the paper for co-locating nadir and forward views of the ATSR images by using a binary cross-correlation matching technique. It removes small non-systematic errors which cannot be corrected by the analytic method. The proposed algorithm does not require any auxiliary informations, or a priori processing and avoiding the imperfect co-registratio problem observed with multiple channels. Coastlines in images are detected by a ragion segmentation and an automatic thresholding technique. The matching procedure is carried out with binaty coastline images (nadir and forward), and it gives comparable accuracy and faster processing than a patch based matching technique. This technique automatically reduces non-systematic errors between two views to .$\pm$ 1 pixel.



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