종관 지상 자료를 이용한 TOVS수치 해석 산출 자료

TOVS retrieved data with the real time synoptic surface data

  • 주상원 (기상청 예보국 관측관실 위성담당) ;
  • 정효상 (기상청 예보국 관측관실 위성담당) ;
  • 김금란 (기상청 예보국 관측관실 위성담당)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


The International TOVS(TIROS Oprational Vertical Sounders) Process Package(ITPP-VI)is for a global usage, which needs a surface data to generate atmospheric soundings. If the initial input process in the ITPP-VI is not modified, it takes climatic surface data for producing sounding data in general. Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) is trying to improve the quality of TOVS sounding data using real-time synoptic observations and make a use weather prediction and analysis in various ways. Serval cases in this study show that TOVS retrieved meteolorogical parameters such as atmopheric temperature, dew point depression and geopotential heights used by synoptic surface observations can delineate more detailed atmospheric feature rather than those used by climate surface data. In addition, the collocated comparisons of TOVS synoptic retrieved parameters with radiosonde observations are performed statistically. TOVS retrieved fields with the synoptic surface analyzed data show smaller bias reatively than those with the climatic data and also reduced root mean square differences below 700 hPa as expected.



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  2. 한국 기상 학회지 v.27 no.2 RAOB 자료를 이용한 TOVS산출 자료의 비교 분석 조하만;이재원;김금란;윤학수
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  4. Journal of Science v.27 A general relaxtion method for inverse solution of the full radiative transfer equation Chahine,M.T.
  5. A Report on ITSC-2 An Introduction of Temperature and Moisture Fields Retrieved from TIROS Opreational Vertical Sounder Data Le Marshall,J.F.
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