하악 구치 발육을 이용한 연령감정에 관한 연구

A Study on the Age Determination with the Aid of Mandibular Molar Development

  • Young-Don Hur (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Chosun University) ;
  • Jong-Mo Ahn (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Chosun University) ;
  • Chang-Lyuk Yoon (Dept. of Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, Chosun University)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


Age determination in children have been criticized because they rely on subjective estimations of tooth development, as seen in radiographs. This study was undertaken to obtain the objective estimation of developing teeth. The panoramic radiograph of 254 males and 254 females ranging from 6 to 14 years of age were studied. The structures measured were crown height, apex width and root length. The data weree statistically investigated with SPSS/PC + package. The results were as follows : 1. With the aid of a multiple regression model, a linear relationship between some of these distances and age was shown. 2. In th total material(6-14yr) and four-yr. intervals, linear equations are as follow : Boys : 6-14 age = 683 + 145.6 44RL + 126.6.45RL + 71.1 46DRL - 161.3 46DAW 6-10 age = 1202 + 72.6 46DRL + 100.2 44RL + 75.1 45RL 8-12 age = 3818 + 75.9 45RL - 190.9 44AW 10-14 age = 4151 + 58.6 45RL - 84.0 45AW - 130.6 44AW Girls : 6-14 age = 1587 + 104.9 45RL + 113.4 44RL - 233.1 46DAW + 81.4 47DRL - 255.9 46MAW 6-10 age = 1821 + 55.8 46DRL + 67.2 45RL - 184.2 46MAW + 56.3 44RL 8-12 age = 2435 + 68.2 45RLL + 71.3 44RL 10-14 age = 3485 + 49.9 47DRL - 51.3 45AW - 179.9 47DAW + 33.4 45RL + 39.4 44RL (DRL, length of distal root in molars. RL, root length in premolars. DAW, width of distal apex in molars. MAW, width of mesial apex in molars. AW, width of apex n molars)
