Nonparametric Test for Scale Shift at Unknown Time Points

Nonparametric Test for Scale Shift at Unknown Time Points

  • 발행 : 1994.12.01




  1. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.77 The identical distribution hypothesis for stock market prices: location-and scale-shift alternatives Ali, M. M.;Giaccotto, C.
  2. Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.39 Nonparametric tests for shift at an unknown time point Bhattacharyya, C. K.;Johnson, R. A.
  3. Technometrics v.28 An efficiency robust nonparametric test for scale change for data from a gamma distribution Gastwirth, J. L.;Mahmoud, H.
  4. Theory of Rank Tests Hajek, J.;Sidak, Z.
  5. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods v.13 Nonparametric tests for scale shift at an unknown time point Hsieh, H. K.
  6. Applied Statistics v.26 Tests for variance shift at an unknown time point Hsu, D. A.
  7. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.74 Detecting shifts of parameter in gamma sequences with applications to stock price and air traffic flow analysis Hsu, D. A.
  8. Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.39 Inference problems about parameters which are subjected to changes over time Mustafi, C. K.
  9. Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.26 On a theorem of Pitman Noether, G. E.
  10. Applied Statistics v.30 Detecting a scale shift in a random sequence an unknown time point Talwar, P. P.;Gentle, J. E.