사군자탕(四君子湯), 이진탕(二陳湯) 및 육군자탕(六君子湯)이 고지혈증(高脂血症)에 미치는 영향(影響)

Effects of the Ijintang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang on the Hyperlipidemia induced Rabbits

  • 이승재 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 문병순 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 김세길 (원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Lee, Seung-Jae (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Won Kwang University) ;
  • Mun, Byeong-Sun (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Won Kwang University) ;
  • Kim, Sae-Gil (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate school of Won Kwang University)
  • 발행 : 1994.02.20


The present experiments were designed to investigate the effect of Ijntang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang on the hyperlipidemia induced rabbit. In order to control the precise chemical and physical condition, the experimental rabbits were supplied with calory limited food. The Hyperlipidemia rabbits were induced by oral administration of cholesterol (250mg/kg) for 4 weeks. The results were as followings : 1. The hyperlipidemia (control) group increased the concentration of serum glucose to $204.1{\pm}2.63\;mg/dl$ at the 4th. week, however, the other drug administrated groups such as Ijintang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang decreased significantly. 2. The control group increased the concentration of serum totalcholesterol to $299.0{\pm}4.18\;mg/dl$ at the 4th. week, however, the other drug administrated groups Ijintang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang decreased significantly. 3. The control group increased the concentration of serum total lipid to $429.1{\pm}1.72\;mg/dl$ at the 4th. week, however, the other drug administrated groups such as Ijintang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang decreased significantly. 4. The control group increased the concentration of serum triglyceride to $149.3{\pm}3.01\;g/dl$ at the 4th. week, however, the other drug administrated groups such as Ijintang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang decreased significantly. 5. The control group increased the concentration of serum HDL-cholesterol to $83.0{\pm}1.09$\;mg/dl$ at the 4th. week, and, the other drug administrated groups such as Ijintang, Sagoonjatang, and Yuggoonjatang increased significantly. 6. The lipid deposition to the aortic endothelium decreased more at the Yuggoonjatang group than the other groups. According to the above experimental results, Yuggoonjatang is assumed to have a more curative effect against hyperlipidemia than the other drug such as Ijintang and Sagoonjatang.



  1. 太平惠民和劑局方 v.3 陳師文
  2. 醫學正傳 虞天民
  3. 六科準繩 王肯堂
  4. 濟衆新編 康明吉
  5. 古今名方 楊蘊;劑翠榮
  6. 醫完金鑑 吳謙(外)
  7. 衛生寶鑑 羅天益
  8. 醫方集解 汪昻
  9. 方劑學 康舜洙
  10. 素虛後世處方學 趙世衡
  11. 韓方內科學 李基渟
  12. 韓方處方解說 矢數道明
  13. 圖說漢方醫學 李權益
  14. 天眞處方解說 成輔社編輯部(譯)
  15. 中醫處方解說.臨床.應用 鄭津牟
  16. 方劑選講 中山醫學院
  17. 保영全書 蘖鎧
  18. 東醫處方大典 廉泰煥
  19. 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
  20. 濟陰綱目 武之望
  21. 漢方處方應用의 要領 書苑堂編輯部
  22. 成人病管理 柳東俊
  23. 漢方診療醫典 高文社編輯部
  24. 漢醫學臨床病理 北京中醫學院
  25. 中醫學基礎 上海中醫學院
  26. 問答式漢方內科學 孫淑英
  27. 中醫治療學原理 孫孝洪
  28. 內科學辭典 翁心植
  29. 漢方醫藥學 久保道德;谿患人
  30. 最新診斷과治療 金東輝(外)
  31. 病理學 大韓病理學會
  32. 大韓醫學協會誌 v.31 no.9 脂肪質攝取와動脈硬化 노영무
  33. 新中醫 v.17 수지분治療 高脂血症 25例 鄭君莉
  34. 東洋醫學 no.10321 動脈硬化症의 病因에 關한 考察 李京變
  35. 二陳湯 煎湯液이 Endotoxin으로 誘發된 白鼠의 血栓症에 미치는 影響 文相敦
  36. 四君子湯이 血壓 및 體溫에 미치는 影響 鄭完祐
  37. 淸心地黃湯이 虛血性 心臟障碍와 高血壓 및 脂質代謝에 미치는 影響에 對한 實驗的 硏究 張二洙
  38. 淸上瀉火湯이 血壓 및 脂質代謝에 미치는 影響 宋孝貞
  39. 導痰湯이 高脂血症 實驗動物에 미치는 效果 金瑩均
  40. 四君子湯의 效能에 關한 硏究 南容哉
  41. 四君子湯 , 四物湯 및 八物湯이 Prednisolone으로 誘發된 생쥐의 免疫反應 低下에 미치는 影響 金聖勳
  42. 二陳湯의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 柳聖圭
  43. 二陳湯의 抗炎作用에 關한 硏究 安文生
  44. 六君子湯의 效能에 關한 實驗的 硏究 柳逢夏
  45. 六君子湯이 胃液分泌 및 摘出 胃運動에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究 朴星一
  46. 加味六君子湯이 白鼠의 實驗的 胃潰瘍에 미치는 影響 金尙範
  47. 黃帝內經素門靈樞譯解 陽維傑(編)
  48. 虛證論 齊來增(外)
  49. 漢方病理學 鄭遇悅
  50. 東醫病理學 文濬典(等)
  51. 東醫心系內科學 具本泓(等)
  52. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  53. 東醫寶鑑 許俊
  54. 成人病의 漢方療法 寺師睦濟
  55. 內科學 v.下 李文鎬(等)
  56. 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院
  57. 現代家庭漢方療法 金洪律(譯)
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