내과(內科) 영역(領域)의 요통(腰痛)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

A Bibliographical study on Lumbago in Oriental Internal Medicine

  • 윤철호 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실) ;
  • 정지천 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Yoon, Cheol-Ho (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Jeong, Ji-Cheon (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 1994.08.31


A Bibliographical study was done about lumbago in oriental internal Medicine. The results are as follows. 1. Shenxu,sexual active, senile, Feng, Han, Shi, shiji, Tanyin and Qi lumbago are applicable to internal medical lumbago in oriental medicine, and Shenxu is essential pathogenesis. 2. Shenxu lumbago is characterized by continous pain, improved after chiropsia, deep pulse in Chi pulse, and used QingeWan, LiuweiDihuangWan and AnshenWan in herb-medicine. and Cortex Eucommiae, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata and Fructus Psoraleae in drugs for the purpose of ZishenYijing, and related to lumbago caused by chronic prostatitis, calculus or tumor in kidney and diabetes mellitus. 3. Sexual active lumbago is dim-aching and weak pain in or after sexual life at low back and knee joint, and classified to Shenyang Buzu, ShenjingKuisun. GanshenYinxu and XinshenBujiao ; Liuwei Dihuang Wan, ZuoguiWan In herb-medicine. Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Fructus Lycii and Fructus Corni in drug were used for treatment. 4. Senile Lumbago is a kind of consumptive disease due to exhaused essential energy and caused by lack of Shenjing, Yangqi ; and described as repeated mild dim pain and ErzhiWan, QingeWan and MoyaoGao were used frequently, supposed to connected with osteoporosis, osteomalacia and osteoarthropathy deformons caused by aging. 5. Feng lumbago is attacked by Liuyin, and characterized by chilling and fever. stabbing pain from thoracic and lumbar vertebrae to pedes, and used WujiXan, XiaoxumingTang for treatment. Han lumbago is caused by cold's attacking Shenjing, distinguished for chilling,icing sense improved by heat on low back, and used WujiXan, JiangfuTang. Shi lumbago is caused by damp's inflowing Shenjing, described as stone-like lumbago which was subsided low back pain growing worse by gloomy rain, and used ShenshiTang. ShenzhuTang for the purpose of ZaoshiXingqi. And it is supposed that lumbago occured in the initial of urinary track infection was belong to those of Feng,Han and Sill's. 6. Sillji lumbago is caused by pathogen being in the spleen and the stomach, and used ChenxiangJiangqiTang, PingweiSan for treatment. And it is supposed that it belong to lumbago caused by gastrointerstinal disease such as peptic ulcer. gastroduodenal tumor and colonic inflammatory disease. 7. Tanyin lumbago is caused by Tanyin's flowing meridian, characterized by thoracolumbar verterber's heaviness, covered sense with something on low back and painless massage. Kuaiqi-drug are added to ErchenTang, DaotanTang for treatment, and it supposed that Tanyin lumbago's belong to that accompanied with metabolic disease such as obesity and gout. 8. Qi lumbago is caused by excessive stress such as melancholy and fury, described as multiple stabbing pain, an unexpected on and improvement, ranging back pain until flank and abdomine. Tiaoqi-drugs were added to RenshenShunqiSan, WuyaoShunqiSan for treatment, and it supposed to connecting with emotional lumbago such as hysteria, feigned illness and anxiety psychosis.



  1. 東醫賢系學硏究 杜鎬京
  2. 成人病 老人病學 徐舜圭
  3. 家庭醫學 醫學敎育硏修院
  4. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  5. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  6. 대한통증학회지 v.1 no.2 요통에 대한 통증관리 강긍모 외
  7. 대한재활의학회지 v.13 no.2 요통의 보존적 치료효과 고차환(외)
  8. 대한한의학회지 v.9 no.1 비계내과 영역에서 본 요통의 임상적 고찰 김인상(외)
  9. 대한재활의학회지 v.15 no.3 생활습관이 요통유발에 미치는 영향 문재호(외)
  10. 대한통증의학회지 v.1 no.2 요통 민병우
  11. 대한 정형외과학회잡지 v.12 no.1 요통의 원인과 치료 박병문
  12. 대한재활의학회지 v.17 no.3 동통질문서를 이용한 주관적 동통 및 동통형태에 대한 분석 한태륜(외)
  13. 古今圖書集成醫部全錄(第五冊) 古今醫鑑, 공信
  14. 萬病回春 공廷賢
  15. 諸病源候論校釋(上) 南京中醫學院
  16. 黃帝內經素問譯釋 南京中醫學院醫經敎硏組
  17. 黃帝內經素問譯釋 南京中醫學院醫經敎硏組
  18. 難經校注 浚耀星
  19. 實用中醫內科學 方葯中(外)
  20. 東洋醫學大辭典 謝觀
  21. 臨證指南醫案 葉天士
  22. 備急千金要方 孫思邈
  23. 赤水玄珠全集 孫一奎
  24. 太平聖惠方 宋 太宗命選
  25. 古今圖書集成醫部全錄(第五冊) 仁齊直指方 楊士瀛
  26. 中醫治療內分泌代謝病 余永譜
  27. 醫宗金鑑(下) 吳謙
  28. 證治準繩(一) 王肯堂
  29. 外臺秘要方 王燾
  30. 中國傳統性醫學 王旭東
  31. 醫學正傳 虞搏
  32. 金궤要略 李克光(編)
  33. 東垣十鍾醫書 李東垣
  34. 證治彙補 李用粹
  35. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  36. 原本編註醫學入門(下) 李정
  37. 中國傳統性治療學 李彪
  38. 類證治栽 林패琴
  39. 景岳全書(上) 張景岳
  40. 張氏醫通 張潞
  41. 中醫老年病學 田金洲
  42. 醫學心悟 程國彭
  43. 中醫男科臨床手冊 曹開鏞
  44. 聖濟總錄(上) 趙佶
  45. 丹溪心法 朱丹溪
  46. 辨證錄 陳士鐸
  47. 陝西中醫 v.13 no.10 自 尿疾靈方治療尿路感染62例 喬貞이
  48. 中醫雜誌 v.33 no.10 臨床解惑 徐景藩
  49. 四川中醫 v.9 柴胡淸肝湯治療帶狀疱疹32例 沈志忠
  50. 陝西中醫 v.14 no.4 中藥治療慢性尿感染86例 倪世濤
  51. 中醫雜誌 v.33 no.3 行氣理水法治療尿酸賢病療效觀察 王洪忠
  52. 江蘇中醫 v.14 no.11 四妙丸加味治愈賢癰2예 張成桂
  53. 河南中醫 v.13 no.2 穴位点壓治療賢絞痛的硏究與探討 程曉莉
  54. 山東中醫學院學報 v.16 no.2 賢虛證與骨鑛物含量的關係 蔡新吉
  55. 中西醫結合雜誌 v.11 no.4 賢虛證與骨鑛物質含量的初步硏究 許志奇(外)
  56. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 11th Eugene Braunwald(外)
  57. Spine v.5 Epidural injection for the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain White, A.H.(外)