The hydrolyzability of chemically modified starches and ramen staches was determined by hog pancreatic ${\alpha}-amylase$ in vitro test. The extents of hydrolysis were 64.5% and 59.3% in native and acetylated potato starch, 70.5% and 60.4% in native and hydroxypropylated corn starch, and 65.2% and 57.3% in native and hydroxypropylated high amylose corn starch, respectively. The hydrolysis extents of waxy corn starch derivatives were shown in the descending order of pregelatinized (74.3%)>native (72.1%)>acetylated (66.5%)>acetyl distarch adiphate (56.4%)>hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (50.7%). In the test on starches of container and regular ramen cooked by practical way, no significant difference was observed between ramen products of five different makers. Although the hydrolysis rate and extent of chemically modified starches were lower than those of native starches, the digestibility of ramen seemed to be not affected in the common diet as the use level of modified starch was relatively low.
식품에 사용되는 화학적 변성전분류와 acetyl화 전분이 사용된 라면의 돼지 췌장 ${\alpha}-amylase$에 의한 in vitro 소화율($37^{\circ}C$에서 6시간)을 비교하였다. Native potato starch와 acetylated potato starch의 가수분해율은 각각 64.5%와 59.3%, native와 hydroxypropylated corn starch는 70.5%와 60.4%, 그리고 native와 hydroxypropylated high amylose corn starch는 65.2%와 57.3%로서 native한 것들이 유도체들보다 높았다. Waxy corn starch들의 소화율은 pregelatinized(74.3%)>native(72.1%)>acetylated(66.5%)>acetyl distarch adipate(56.4%)>hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate(50.7%)의 순으로 감소하였다. 국내에서 생산, 판매되고 있는 5개 회사의 봉지라면과 용기라면에 대한 실험에서는 실제 조리조건에서 소화율에 유의적 차이를 보이지 않았다. 결론적으로 화학적 변성전분의 소화율은 천연전분보다 낮지만 상용식품에서의 사용량이 매우 낮으므로 식품 섭취에 따른 전분질의 소화율에는 큰 영향을 미치지 않을 것으로 판단된다.