재래식과 공장산 고추장의 이화학적 특성 비교

Comparison of Physicochemical Characteristics of Traditional and Commercial Kochujang during Fermentation

  • 발행 : 1994.02.01


6개월 숙성된 재래식 고추장과 시판 중인 공장산 고추장의 이화학적 특성을 비교하였다. 공시된 고추장은 순창지역의 찹쌀고추장 18종, 보은지역의 10종의 보리고추장, 사천 지역의 밀 고추장 17종 및 공장산 고추장 10종이었다. 재래식 고추장의 유리당 함량은 대체로 공장산 고추장의 1/4 수준이었으며 주요 유리당은 glucose로 나타났고 이밖에 fructose, maltose sucrose가 검출되었다. 유리아미노산의 총량을 비교해 보면 공장산이 1,089mg으로 가장 높았고 그 다음이 사천, 순창, 보은 고추장 순으로 각각 554, 498, 266mg이었다. 각 고추장에서 가장 많이 함유되어 있는 유리아미노산은 순창 고추장에서는 serine, 보은 및 사천고추장에서는 aspartic acid, 공장산 고추장에서는 glutamic acid로 나타났다. 재래식 고추장에서 발견되는 휘발성 유기산으로는 acetic aicd, propionic acid, butyric acid 및 3-methyl butanoic acid가 검출되었으나, 공장산 고추장에서는 이 중 3-methyl butanoic acid가 검출되지 않았다. 함량면에서 aceticacid가 가장 많은 유기산으로 나타났으며 재래식 고추장에서 함량상 중요한 비휘발성 유기산은 lartic, oxalic, succinic acid이며 공장산 고추장에서는 이외에 itaconic, malic, malonic, pyroglutamic acid가 미량 검출되었다.

Physicochemical characteristics of traditional kochujang fermented for 6 months and commercial kochujang were compared. Tested kochujang included 18 kinds of Sunchang kochujang prepared with glutinous rice, 10 kinds of Boeun kochujang prepared with barley and 17 kinds of Sachun kochujang prepared with wheat, and 10 kinds of commercial kochujang. Major free sugar was found to be glucose both in traditional and commercial kochujang. Fructose, maltose, and sucrose were also detected in small amounts. The contents of free sugars in traditional kochujang was approximately one fourth of those presented in commercial kochujang. Commercial kochujang showed the highest level of total free amino acids followed in decreasing order by Sachun, Sunchang, and Boeun kochujang. The most abundant free amino acid was serine in Sunchang kochujang and aspartic acid both in Boeun and Sachun kochujang. On the other hand, glutamic acid was the most abundant amino acid in commercial kochujang. Volatile organic acids in various kochujang were determined and acetic, propionic, butyric, and 3-methyl butanoic acids were found in traditional kochujang. However, 3-methyl butanoic arid was not found in commercial kochujang. The most abundant volatile acid was acetic acid in both tradtional and commercial kochujang. Analysis of non-volatile organic acids showed that large amounts of lactic, oxalic, and succinic acids were found in traditional and commercial kochujang. In addition to these, small amounts of itaconic, malic, malonic, and pyroglutamic acids were found in commercial kochujang.
