This study was conducted to investigate rural residents' health status and lifestyle before inputing the health promotion services in CHP post juridiction area. For the survey. questionaire survey was done during the period from September 1993 to October 1993. Questionare was composed 14 items of general characteristics and 12 items of health age. Respondents were 119 residents among 300 residents in a rural area. For the analysis. descriptive statistics were used by calculating frequencies. percentages and $x^2-test$ Were employed to test the differences and the statistical significance. The major results are as follows; 1. Characteristics of the objects: The sex $61.0\%$ of female. the age was $36.0\%$ of over the fifties. the educational background was $47.4\%$ of elementary graduation. the marital status was $94.9\%$ of married and the monthly income was $35.3\%$ of less than 600,000 won. 2. Health status of the objects; Hepatitis antibody was possessed only $6.2\%$. hypertension was $27.3\%$. pulse rate and disease status were. for the most part, normal. 3. Health care status of the objects: They didn't use $74.1\%$ of medical services for the two weeks and regular health check-up. 4. Health behavior of the objects: The diet was $78.1\%$ of intaking meats and fish below 4 times for 1 week, no smoking was $66.1\%$. drinking was $70.83\%$ below two and half times for 1 week, life satisfaction was $21.8\%$. stress management was $41.5\%$ and exercise for health was $25.2\%$. 5. Experience of common cold for 3 years was $46.2\%$. hypertention by sex was $8.7\%$ of males and $19.4\%$ of females and diabetus was $1.7\%$ 6. Helth behavior by educational background didn't do in low educational background. 7. Health age of the objects was $62.3\%$ of $+1\~+4$ than actual age.