The adsorption of water vapor and equilibrium moisture content(EMC) of the specimens for four softwood species dried by conventional- and high temperature method and equilibrated to 15% of the target EMC condition at 25$^{\circ}C$ were determined by oven drying method and with moisture meters. The amount of adsorption for high temperature dried red pine was significantly higher than that of conventional kiln dried wood, while those of eastern white pine, eastern hemlock and Norway spruce were not significantly different between drying methods. EMCs of these four species determined by oven drying method and with capacitive admittance moisture meter were not significantly different between drying methods. EMC of high temperature dried red pine determined with resistance moisture meter was significantly higher than that of conventional kiln dried wood. But EMCs of other species did not show significant difference between drying methods. EMCs of conventional and high-temperature dried wood determined with electronic moisture meters, especially in the case of the capacitive-admittance moisture meter measurement, were lower than that determined by oven drying method.