Psychosomatic Medicine : Present and Future Prospects

정신신체의학의 현재와 미래의 전망

  • Koh, Kyung-Bong (Department of Psychiatry, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
  • 고경봉 (연세대학교 의과대학 정신과학교실)
  • Published : 1993.09.25


The author discussed present problems and future prospects of psychosomatic medicine in clinical, educational, research, and social aspects. In general, psychosomatic field. particularly. consultation-liaison(C-L) psychiatry in Korea seems to remain on early developmental phase. However, positive change in the general publics' and societal view of psychiatry, specialization of medicine and development of medical technology, implementation of delivery system in medical care could contribute to development of this field. In future, clinically, liaison activity will be more activated. and this field will be developed as main subspecialty of psychiatry. In addition. C-L psychiatry will be subspecialized. and prevention and humanization of medical care could be more emphasized. In education. the main place of education for medical students and psychiatric residents will be changed from closed ward to general ward in which consultation-liaison activity can be performed. In research. consultation liaison model suitable for Koreans will be developed and studies on disease mechanism will be more promoted. In social aspects, this field could influence the general publics' view of psychiatry and change the whole areas of medicine and society toward integration. In order to achieve these goals, medical insurance system and cost relevant to C-L activity should be essentially improved.
