Changes of Weed Flora Under Direct Seeded Rice Cultivation in Dry Paddy Field

벼 건답직파재배(乾畓直播栽培)에 따른 잡초군락(雜草群落)의 변화(變化)

  • Ku, Y.C. (Crop Experiment Station, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Park, K.H. (Crop Experiment Station, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Oh, Y.J. (Crop Experiment Station, Rural Development Administration)
  • Published : 1993.06.30


This research was conducted at the Crop Experiment Station to determine the changes of weed flora under direct seeded rice cultivation in dry paddy field from 1989 to 1992 and to establish an effective weed control strategy in direct seeded rice cultivation. With the continuous rice growing under direct seeded rice cultivation in dry paddy field, there were more occurrence in grasses and annual weeds while broadleaf and perennial weeds were diminished. The predominant weeds were aquatic weeds such as Eleocharis kuroguwai, Echinochloa crusgalli, and Monochoria vaginalis in machine transplanted rice paddy field while there were predominant of semi aquatic weed species such as E. crusgalli, Digitaria sanguinalis, Bidens tripartita, Aeschynomene indica, and Arthraxon hispidus in continuous direct seeded rice cultivation in dry paddy condition. Based on the vegetative analysis of weeds in terms of simpson index and community dominance, there was more distribution of weed species in direct seeded rice cultivation on dry paddy condition while only distributed with 1-2 weed species in machine transplanted rice paddy field. In similarity coefficient, there was a gradual increase up to 67% of weeds with the continuous direct seeded rice cultivation in dry paddy condition for 4 years starting from 41% of similarity coefficient.

건답직파(乾畓直播)를 연속(繼續)함에 따라서 야기되는 잡초군락(雜草群落)의 변이양상(變異樣相)을 밝혀 효과적(效果的)인 제초체계(除草體系)를 확립(確立)하고자 수행(遂行)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 벼 건답직파재배(乾畓直播栽培)를 4년간(年間) 연속재배(連續栽培)한 경우 화본과잡초(禾本科雜草)는 감소(減少)한 반면 광엽잡초(廣葉雜草)는 증가(增加)하였으며 생활형(生活型)으로 보면 1년생잡초(年生雜章)는 증가(增加)하였으나 다년생잡조(多年生雜草)는 감소(滅少)하였다. 2. 기계이앙시(機械移秧時) 우점잡초(優占雜草)는 올방개-피-올챙이고랭이-물달개비 등의 수생잡초(水生雜草)가 우점(優占)하였으나 건답직파재배(乾畓直播栽培)를 연속(繼續)할 경우 피-바랭이-가막사리-조개풀-자귀풀 등의 습생잡초(濕生雜草)가 우점(優占)하였다. 3. 건답직파(乾畓直播)에 따른 초종(草種)의 다양화(多樣化) 정도(程度)(Simpson Index) 및 군락우점도(群落優占度)(Community dominance)를 보면 기계이앙(機械移秧)의 경우 1-2 초종(草種)이 우점화(優占化)되는 경향(傾向)이었으나 건답직파(乾畓直播)의 경우 여러 초종(草種)이 다양(多樣)하게 분포(分布)되어 있었다. 4. 직파재배(直播栽培)에 따른 연도별(年度別) 유이성(類似性) 계수(係數)(Similarity coefficient)를 보면 직파재배(直播栽培)의 첫해는 41%의 유이성(類似性) 계수(係數)를 나타내 기계이앙(機械移秧)과 상당히 달랐으나 4년간(年間) 연속직파재배(連續直播栽培)를 할 경우 67%로 높아졌다. 5. 건답직파(乾畓直播) 첫해인 1979년도(年度) 잡초방임구(雜草放任區)의 잡초(雜草) 건물중(乾物重)은 $m^2$당 61.3g에 벼 수량(收量)은 290kg/10a이었으나 3년후(年後)인 1992년(年)에는 잡초건물중(雜草乾物重)이 293g/$m^2$으로 1979년에 비해 4.7배가 증가(增加)하였으며 벼 수량(收量)은 전무(全無)였다.
