A study on the type of Bi(肥) and Su(痩) of Body in 'Yellow Emperior's Nei-Ching'

${\ll}$내경(內徑)${\gg}$을 중심(中心) 한 체형(體型)의 비수(肥痩)에 대(對)한 고찰(考察)

  • Published : 1993.02.15


After studing on the type of Bi(肥) and Su(痩) of Body in 'Yellow Emperior's Nei-Ching', I reached the following conclusions; 1. The specific charactor of bi(肥) and su(痩) were explained in table 1. 2. The specific charactor of gi(脂), ko(膏) and youk(肉) were explaned in table 2. 3. Obserbing the type of bi(肥) and su(痩) by the view of YinYang(陰陽), bi(肥) belongs to Yin(陰) and su(痩) belongs to Yang(陽). Also the each of bi(肥) and su(痩) could obserbed by the view of YinYang(陰陽). The type of su(痩) easily becomes to yanghea(陽虛) because chi(氣) easely becomes to exhaust also easely becomes to yinhea(陰虛) because blood(血) easely becomes to exhaust. So the outer of body is cold, the inner of body is hot. The type of bi(肥) easely causes YinYang(陰陽) to exceed because blood(血) easely becomes to black and turbid(血黑以濁), chi(氣) easely becomes to rough and slow(氣澁以遲). So the outer of body is hot, the iner of body is cold 4. Obserbing the type of bi(肥) and su(痩) by the view of viscera, in view of upper and lower(上下觀點) su(痩) is yang(陽) so heart and lung belongs to su(痩) bi(肥) is yin(陰) so liver and kidney belongs In bi(肥). in view of inner and outer(內外觀點) su(痩) is inner(內) so heart 3I1d liver belongs In su(痩) bi(肥) is outer(外) so lung and kidney belongs to bi(肥). 5. Obserbing the type of bi(肥) and su(痩) by the view of body constitution(體質), partially body constitution was divided into gi(脂), ko(膏) and youk(肉), entirely there was OhtaeinLon(五態人論) and four constitutional medicine(四象醫學) I thing that taeyangin(太陽人) and soyangin(少陽人) belong to su(痩), taeyinin(太陰人) and soyinin(少陰人) belong to bi(肥).
