정보사회의 도서관 경영

Library Management in Information Society

  • Chun Myung-Sook (Dept. of Library and Information Science, Duksung Womans University)
  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


As many Korean libraries has begun to be automated and become a part of the worldwide, open library system, they need a new management. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the library management in automated libraries and to establish a theory of the library management in information society, The automated libraries could be well explained by the systems theory and the environment of the libraries could be well explained by the contingency theory, The following hypothesis were set to direct this research. 1. As the libraries are automated and become a part of one big, worldwide library system, the libraries interact closely with the environment so that the library and the environment become one. 2. As the libraries are automated and become a part of one big, worldwide library system, the librarians need to work in the environment for the library networks, standardization of cataloging, or government information policy making. 3. As the libraries are automated and become a part of one big, worldwide library system, the librarians only manage the library, The various other library staffs take over the traditional library services directly related to books. The data were gathered from the research done previously, Also the date were collected from the American and Japanese libraries. The findings were as follows: The environment of the library integrated all types of the library services such as school library, university library, etc. And it also integrated all the services of the media centers and the press centers, etc. to library services. And the new library services began in the environment. Librarians worked for these new services. In the library, the librarians distingushed the library system from the environment by planning : mission, goal, objectives, policy, procedures and rules. Library organization became temporary such as forming task forces or matrix or free form. The environment controlled the library. Staffs were controlled by plans or computers. And the professional librarians were controlled by their ability to solve problems raised outside the libraries. Library leaders brought in the technology to the library from its environment. The librarians led the formal and informal organizations so that the staffs cooperated well in their work. And librarians tought the library procedures to the partime workers or the temporary staffs. Participative management and management by objectives were the means of motivating staffs. Budget was based on the ever changing environment. The zero based budget method was applied. Therfore, in the information society, the professional librarians become the able managers in the library and global librarians in the environment.
