A Pilot Study on the Practical Model of Nonverbal Communication for the Effective Information Services

정보조사제공에 있어서 비언어적 커뮤니케이션의 응용모형개발을 위한 실증적 연구

  • Han Sang-Wan (Dept. of Library and Information Science, Yonsei University)
  • Published : 1993.12.01


Traditionally, the emphasis of the information services had been placed on the information provider's knowledge of information sources or information systems. However, in view of the increasing complexity of the information environment. and changes taking place in information professions the evaluation of the information services has callded for further research in interpersonal communication aspects of the librarian user interface especially that which links to user satisfaction. This experimental study was carried out for the purpose of exploring the implications of nonverbal behaviors in measuring user satisfaction in the light of the fact that the meaning of nonverbal clues includes more than verbal communication especially in dealing with variable barriers even though they operate at low levels of awareness. In this sense, among the wide range of nonverbal communication areas in particular kinesics, artifacts and the proximics were examined to suggest alternative model which can be applied effectively in our specific set of information work environment. Two major university libraries and two research libraries in Korea were chosen and visited for the anlysis and per each refernce/information interview the librarian's nonverbal behaviors were checked on the observer's checklist and the qustionnaires completed by the user at a time. On the basis of these data firstly, the relation of user satisfaction concerned with the librarian's nonverbal communication to user satisfaction with information services was analyzed and the possible communication barriers were investigated. In addition, the effect of training the information librarian with positive nonverbal communication skills on the user's satisfaction was analyzed in a SAS computer program in the area of kinesics. On the other hand, the effect of other nonverbal behaviors such as proximics and artifacts known very important clues to improving a complex human interaction was discussed along with their experimental results. In conclusion, it was found that most of users were not sensitive to the importance of nonverbal behaviors exposed by the information librarian, but it was proved that the ultimate user satisfaction and the satisfaction of the librarian's nonverbal behaviors are correlated positively, Moreover, nonverbal behaviors displayed by the trained librarian toward the user had a considerable effect on the user's evalution of information services compared with those by the untrained. These findings imply that in order to control the librarian's nonverbal behaviors and to help the user overcome his barriers the information librarian as a specialist needs to assure and modify willilingly his communication behavior. Without making effective use of such nonverbal communication, information librarian could not expect to meet the user's information needs either. However, when these positive nonverbal behaviors are applied it would be highly desirable to be aware of cultural and contextual differences. With regard to increasing information services success the applicable nonverbal communication model for library management and education can be suggested as below.
